7 day home delivery
$29.90 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with paid subscription:
Have your newspaper subscription automatically charged
to your credit card or checking account monthly and get a lower rate!
Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

6 day home delivery
$19.90 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with paid subscription:
Have your newspaper subscription automatically charged
to your credit card or checking account monthly and get a lower rate!

Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

5 day home delivery
$16.90 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with paid subscription:

US Mail Delivery - EZpay subscriptions only

If home delivery is not available in your area and you enroll using our EZpay plan you will automatically receive USMail delivery. See rates below. Week-end delivery not available.To find out if home delivery is available in your area call 1-888-259-8867.

Have your newspaper subscription automatically charged
to your credit card or checking account monthly and get a lower rate!

Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

7 days US Mail delivery
$39.76 for 2 months
Weekend home delivery (Sat/Sun)

Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

$21.00 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with paid subscription:
6 days US Mail delivery
$29.80 for 2 months

Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

Have your newspaper subscription automatically charged
to your credit card or checking account monthly and get a lower rate!
Sunday US Mail delivery
Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription
$15.70 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription

Sunday only home delivery
$17.30 for 2 months
Your choice of premium with paid subscription:
Have your newspaper subscription automatically charged
to your credit card or checking account monthly and get a lower rate!
Your choice of premium with 2-month subscription