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39th Union World Conference on Lunch Health

XVII International AIDS Conference 2008

38th Union World Conference on Lung Health

4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention

37th Union World Conference on Lung Health

XVI International AIDS Conference

4th MIM Pan-African Malaria Conference

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Kaiser Daily Reports Will Not Publish Jan. 19-20

Health Care Provisions for Economic Stimulus, Policymaker Health Reform Efforts Are Top Priorities for U.S. Public, Survey Finds

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Former UNAIDS Executive Director Piot To Serve as Senior Fellow at Gates Foundation Until May

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Utah Blacks Face Significant Health Disparities, Report Finds

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* Medicaid and the Economy - Alliance for Health Reform and Kaiser Family Foundation - 1/9

* Health on the Hill from kaisernetwork.org and CQ - 1/12 

The Health Care Agenda for the New President and Congress - Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health - 1/15


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Health Policy Daily Reports

Last Updated: Friday, January 16, 2009
1:00 PM ET
Special Notice

Kaiser Daily Reports Will Not Publish Jan. 19-20

Capitol Hill Watch

House Democrats Announce $825B Economic Stimulus Package With $157B for Health Care

SCHIP Bill Passes Senate Finance Committee

Election 2008

President-Elect Obama Promises To Reform Medicare, Social Security

Coverage & Access

Health Care Provisions for Economic Stimulus, Policymaker Health Reform Efforts Are Top Priorities for U.S. Public, Survey Finds

Government Accountability Office Report Finds Flaws in FDA's High-Risk Medical Device Approval Process

Health Care Marketplace

UnitedHealth Agrees To Pay $350M To Settle Class-Action Lawsuits Filed Over Alleged Underpayment for Out-of-Network Services


Rhode Island House Will Not Move To Block Gov. Carcieri's 'Global Medicaid Waiver'

Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report Highlights Medicaid News in Two States

Blog Watch

Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report Feature Highlights Recent Blog Entries


Government-Run Health Care Would Lead to 'Dependence on State,' WSJ Opinion Piece Says

Medical Device Group President Cites Measures Needed To Reduce Health Care Costs in Washington Post Letter to the Editor

The Latest Reports in Health Policy

Commonwealth Fund Study Examines Swiss, Dutch Health Systems

Health Disparities Reports

Last Updated: Friday, January 16, 2009
11:32 AM ET

Check Back For Updates Each Weekday Around 12 p.m. ET.

Politics & Policy

SCHIP Bill Passes Senate Finance Committee

Culture-Based Care

Utah Blacks Face Significant Health Disparities, Report Finds


Arkansas Group Launches $150,000 Grant Program for Community HIV/AIDS Advocacy Groups


Columnist Examines Weight Loss Study Comparing Black Women From U.S., Nigeria


Dental Clinic Expansion, Grant, Mobile Health Clinic, Other Efforts Seek To Reduce Racial, Ethnic Health Disparities

HIV/AIDS Daily Reports

Last Updated: Friday, January 16, 2009
10:18 AM ET
Special Notice

Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report Will Not Publish Jan. 19-20

Global Challenges

Former UNAIDS Executive Director Piot To Serve as Senior Fellow at Gates Foundation Until May

Advocates Speak Out Against Senegal's Conviction of MSM Involved With HIV/AIDS Organizations

IRIN News Examines HIV/AIDS Stigma, Discrimination in Iraq

In The Courts

Charges Announced Against Physicians Who Worked To Address HIV/AIDS in Iran

Across The Nation

Arkansas Group Launches $150,000 Grant Program for Community HIV/AIDS Advocacy Groups


Awareness Programs Needed Before Mass Male Circumcision Can Be Introduced in Uganda, Opinion Piece Says

Recent Releases in HIV/AIDS

UNICEF Report Examines Maternal, Child Health Worldwide, Including HIV/AIDS Issues

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