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Contact: Dan Weber
(202) 225-8699
For Immediate Release
November 10, 2008
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards Honors Our Veterans

Washington D.C. - Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day, observed tomorrow:

"Each year on November 11th, we pause to honor the courageous men and women of the United States armed forces who risk their lives to protect and serve our country. Their military service ensures the freedom and safety of our country, its citizens, and our allies around the globe. As the daughter of a career military service member, I value deeply the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces and their families in service to our nation. On this day, it is with sincere gratitude and recognition that we honor those serving our country abroad and the 24 million American veterans who have served with distinction in the past. It is with hope and determination that I approach my first full term in Congress to help provide the best services, protections, and care to our current military service members, our veterans, and their families.

"I joined with my colleagues in the 110th Congress to pass several key laws that will benefit our veterans across the country. The new GI bill provides veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan a full, four-year education to ensure that our troops can compete in the global economy and be prosperous in their future endeavors. Congress also made an unprecedented commitment to the health and well-being of our veterans by enacting the largest increase in veterans' healthcare in our nation's history. Last year, Congress strengthened healthcare for more than 5 million veterans and added $16 billion dollars for veteran's health care and services. This investment is critical to meet the medical needs of veterans and also to treat the estimated 300,000 service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who are suffering from mental health problems and traumatic brain injury. We also increased military pay by 3.9 percent, prevented TRICARE health care fee increases, and ensured that our troops receive the best training and equipment available. As we approach a new session in Congress with our new President, a top priority must be to uphold our promise to our veterans, current service members, and their families, who risk their lives and sacrifice greatly to protect this nation.

"Today we honor our entire military family and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms and ideals we so cherish in this country. These men and women deserve our most sincere gratitude. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made in protecting our country. Just as our veterans and current service members have shown steadfast heroism in the protection of our country, I hope they can find strength and solace in the knowledge that we are equal to the task of providing needed support both at home and abroad."

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