Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Florida 8th District  
  capitol dome  
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For more information:
Alex Cruz, Press Secretary
Christine del Portillo: 202-225-4630
Office: 305-270-1111 or 202-225-3931
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color photo of Rep. Ros-Lehtinen  
  For Immediate Release: May 15, 2007

Ros-Lehtinen Kicks Off Yellow Ribbon Campaign

In Monroe County


Monroe County, Florida --- The “Yellow Ribbon” campaign is the initiative of my Monroe County Congressional aide, Kim Sovia-Crandon, who upon receiving news that her only son, Billy Whigham, would be deployed to Baghdad on July 7, took it upon herself to start a campaign in Monroe County that would honor our military families by making sure that every business and household in Monroe is decorated with a yellow ribbon in honor of our troops and their families.


 What prompted her to spearhead the need for Monroe County to be wrapped in yellow ribbons and American flags this July 4th? “When my son and I spoke, he informed me his bride of two years and her family wanted him to quit the Army National Guard so he wouldn’t be sent. He told me “Mom I’m not a quitter and besides whom else will protect our country.” Kim cried knowing full well how difficult this was for her son and the countless of thousands of other military families that have faced this dilemma before.


“July 4th should be one the most important holidays that we as Americans can celebrate with incredible pride and enthusiasm. It should be a day of reflection and remembrance because it is a time to bear in mind as to how we came to be a free county and at what great costs,” stated Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen. “Now more than ever we need to salute and recognize our active and retired military forces, their families and loved ones.” 


With the support of Ros-Lehtinen, Kim will work to make the month of June our official Yellow Ribbon month and hopefully Monroe County will support the initiative and help to spread the word so every household and business will have a yellow ribbon and American flag flowing with pride and remembrance for our military this 4th of July.


We are also pleased to announce the Florida Keys Clear Channel Radio group has agreed to provide what ever assistance is necessary to help our office get the word out about the Congresswoman’s Yellow Ribbon Campaign. More information as to where constituents will be able to obtain personalized ribbons and other material to support this cause will be announced shortly through the media or you can contact Ms. Sovia-Crandon directly at 305-304-7789.


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