Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Florida 8th District  
  capitol dome  
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color photo of Rep. Ros-Lehtinen  
  For Immediate Release: August 2, 2007

Ros-Lehtinen Pleased With Passage of The Water Resources Development Act Conference Report That Includes Language That Would Allow The City of Layton To Apply For Reimbursement

 From The Army Corps Of Engineers


Washington, DC -- Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is pleased with today’s passage of the Water Resources Development Act conference report (WRDA) that includes language that would allow the City of Layton to seek reimbursement from the Army Corps of Engineers. The final vote was 381 to 40.


The language inserted in the Bill provides for the reimbursement for municipalities, such as the City of Layton, for work undertaken prior to the signing of project agreements. Layton has had to incur millions of dollars in wastewater project costs which were funded by the Army Corps of Engineers but the funds were never passed on to the City.


Said Ros-Lehtinen, “I am pleased that the City of Layton will be able to apply for reimbursement from the federal government for work already completed on their wastewater project. It is important that the city get these funds back as they are desperately needed for other municipal projects.”  


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