Bachmann Blog

  • The Future of TARP
    Jan 16, 2009  - Yesterday, we learned that the Senate approved the use of the second half of $700-billion financial service sector bailout funds.  They did so on the assumption that the Obama administration will know how to use these funds better than Bush Administration has.  There's even been a lot of talk around... More
  • SCHIP Reauthorization Flawed
    Jan 14, 2009  - Any minute now, the House will be voting on H.R. 2, the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009. While I support the goals of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the bill on the floor reauthorizes it in a grossly irresponsible manner. At a time when the American pe... More
  • Death Tax Gets New Life
    Jan 13, 2009  - Democrat leadership in Congress and President-Elect Barack Obama have made it perfectly clear that they are dead set on renewing the Death Tax rather than letting it expire in 2010. An editorial in today's Wall Street Journal does a nice job detailing the ins-and-outs of the death tax and it's impa... More
  • Trial Lawyers Win Big
    Jan 9, 2009  -  Today, the House passed the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act at the urging of its Democrat leadership. While these bills sound well and good by name alone, the fact of the matter is that they do nothing for the struggling American worker and go a long way in lining the pockets o... More
  • New Congress Will Be Anything But Open and Transparent
    Jan 6, 2009  - In about an hour, the 111th Congress will be sworn into office and the first matter we will take up is consideration of the new House Rules Package. Not only does the new package miss the opportunity to make important improvements to the earmarking and budgeting processes, such as increased transpar... More
  • Washington/Waite Park Offices Closed
    Jan 2, 2009  - On January 6 and 7, the Washington and Waite Park offices will be closed for staff meetings. Also, Mobile Office Hours for Thursday, January 8th will be cancelled.  Anyone requiring assistance can contact the Congresswoman’s Woodbury Office at 651-731-5400. More
  • The Need For More Transparency in Budgeting
    Dec 22, 2008  - Last week, the U.S. Treasury released the Fiscal Year 2008 Financial Report of the U.S. Government. According to a Treasury press release: "Revenue results in this year’s Financial Report were $2.7 trillion, increasing slightly by $34 billion or just over 1 percent, compared to last year. Tot... More
  • A Pork-Barrel Stimulus Package
    Dec 19, 2008  - It’s no secret that when President Obama gets sworn into office, among his top priorities will be to guide Congress through an $850 billion economic stimulus package. As a result, this astronomical number has created a tsunami of activity from special interest groups looking for their piece of the p... More
  • Restoring the GOP
    Dec 16, 2008  - The Hill newspaper's Congress Blog posed a question today to Capitol Hill's influential lawmakers, pundits and interest group leaders in their weekly "Big Question" feature: "What’s the next step for the GOP on the path back to electoral competitiveness?" Here's what I had to say: "The resu... More
  • Government Takeover Grows Bigger and Bigger
    Dec 12, 2008  -  A front page story in Thursday's USA Today newspaper caught my attention: "Federal share of economy soaring" The article warns that the seemingly endless flow of bailout money flooding from the U.S. Treasury Department to Bear Stearns, AIG, the financial markets, etc., has put the federal sh... More