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01/28/2009 January 28, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Big Spending Bill: The final vote on HR 1, the non-stimulating stimulus bill, was xxx-xx. Amongst Democrats, the vote was xxx-xx. Not one single Republican voted for the bill. In my 3 years here, I cannot remember a sin...
01/27/2009 January 27, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
From Congressman John Campbell’s laptop to yours: Tuesday January 27th, 2009 Meeting with President Obama: Today at noon, President Obama came up to Capitol Hill to meet with the 178 Republicans in the House. First, I was impressed because he ...
01/26/2009 January 26, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Monday, January 26th, 2009 Stimulus: As regular readers of this laptop missive know, I supported the Rescue Plan (TARP program) last October and believe that this program, along with the aggressive monetary actions by the Fed, prevented a collaps...
01/21/2009 January 21, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Inauguration: I've never attended a presidential inauguration before. And for my first one, I had a pretty darn good seat. Members of the House and the Senate all sit up in an amphitheater-like setting behind the Pr...
01/15/2009 January 15, 2009: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 First Week: It's the first week of the 111th Congress and it's a little like the first week back at school in September. "So what did you do over the holidays?" is the standard greeting as "What did you do over the summ...
01/07/2009 January 7, 2009: From Congressman Campbell's Laptop To Yours
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 The Car Business: Now that the rescue/bail out of the big 3 automakers has been completed by President Bush, the Fed and the Treasury Department (with the support of President-Elect Obama), I would like to give you all s...
12/17/2008 December 17,2008: In Case You Missed It
Bold Changes Should Prevent Another Crisis By REP. JOHN CAMPBELL The credit markets continue to unfreeze. The general economy continues to sink. There are new stock market lows and unemployment highs and we don't know where and how it will all e...
12/12/2008 December 12, 2008: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Corruption: As the Senate continues to debate the fate of the Auto rescue plan, much of the news when I was in Washington this week centered on the corruption allegations concerning Illinois Governor Blagojevich. Those allegations are pretty astoundi...
11/24/2008 November 24, 2008: From Congressman John Campbell's Laptop to yours
From Congressman John Campbell's laptop to yours: Monday, November 24th, 2008 Well, you haven't heard from me for a while. It's not because I forgot about you or my Mac broke or something. There was that little matter of that election which...
10/17/2008 October 17, 2008: From Congressman Campbell's Laptop to Yours
Friday, October 17th, 2008 Economic Update: Last week, I went to our local Ace Hardware store in Irvine to buy an extension cord. I was wearing a suit and tie. As I stood at the cash register to pay for my 15' indoor/ outdoor cord, the cashier, a...
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