Energy Independence

Energy Independence

Energy reform is perhaps one of the most critical issues facing Congress as Americans pay high prices at the pump day after day, and our dependence on foreign oil continues to threaten our national security.   I believe it is imperative we look for real solutions to lower gas prices for American families and increase domestic energy production to break our dependency on foreign sources of oil. 


We can achieve these goals by cutting federal regulations that drive up energy production and processing costs, increasing U.S. capacity to refine crude oil and exploring areas that are currently off limits to domestic production like the Alaskan Energy Slope, the oil shale areas of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, and the outer-continental shelf.


In addition, we must look beyond our traditional sources of energy to diversify our supply and find innovative solutions to help protect the environment.  Minnesota has proven to be a leader in the production of biofuels, wind power, and other renewable sources of energy. As a member of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus (RE&EEC), I am working to raise awareness and educate lawmakers on technologies to improve energy efficiency and explore alternative forms of energy.

Related Documents:

Press Releases - LTE: Bachmann was right 12.20.2008

Bachmann Blog - Lock It Up! 11.12.2008

Press Releases - Bachmann Hosts Renewable Energy Roundtable 10.29.2008

Bachmann Blog - $2.00 Gas...What a Relief! 10.29.2008

Bachmann Blog - EPA Makes a Power Grab 10.21.2008

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