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Congressman Steve Buyer - Representing Indiana's 4th Congressional District - Link to Home Page

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Congressman Buyer signs letter of intent with Taiwan to buy American Agriculture products.Steve Buyer speaks in front of U.S. Capitol with Olympic AthletesSteve Buyer meets with staff at Bloomington HospitalSteve Buyer meets with Astronauts Ken Bowersox (Bedford, Indiana), Nikolai Budarin, Don Pettit, and Larry Spencer regarding their most recent mission to space.Congressman Buyer speaks to constituents at Franklin Job FairCongressman Buyer speaks to prospective Academy nomineesSteve Buyer talks to a constituent at the Ellettsville Town MeetingMorning on Capitol Hill

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Washington, D.C.—In the coming weeks Congress will consider the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009.   The legislation, released today, contains a list of targeted efforts to help get the economy back on track.  Included in the bill were proposals of Congressman Steve Buyer (IN-04) that he laid out in two letters he sent to the President-elect asking him to make sound investments in our nation’s economy.   Proposals of the Congressman’s that were included in the bill include funding for the Veterans Administration facilities and clean, efficient, American-made energy. 

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Complete listing of 2006-2009 press releases

Click here to Listen to Steve live on the Greg Garrison Show - Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. (EDST)

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