U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

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Congressman Burgess Speaks at All Church Home Ground Breaking
12/12/2008 Congressman Burgess Speaks at All Church Home Ground Breaking

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Congressman Burgess helps secure funding for UNT's ISES Program
11/14/2008 Congressman Burgess helps secure funding for UNT's ISES Program for Air Force research.

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Congressman Burgess receives the Motorcycle Industry Council Chairman's Award
10/29/2008 Congressman Burgess receives the Motorcycle Industry Council Chairman's Award for Committement to Motorcycle Safety

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Rep. Burgess: No Discussion Plus No Debate Does Not Equal Democracy
09/29/2008 Mr. Speaker, I also come to the floor today to talk about this $700 billion bill that's in front of us. I use the term ``bill'' advisedly because we have seen no bill. We are here, debating talking points on, perhaps, what is the largest fundamental change in our Nation's financial system in its history. House Republicans have been cut out of the process.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

MilCon Amendment
07/31/2008 Rep. Burgess gives an eight-minute speech on the House floor, offering his amendment, which would apply $400 million toward the construction of oil refineries on military bases. Rep. Burgess debates with other members of the House.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

MilCon Amendment
07/29/2008 Rep. Burgess delivers a seven-minute speech on the House floor, proposing his amendment to the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs FY09 Appropriations bill. Rep. Burgess' amendment would provide $400 million in federal money to build oil refineries on military bases.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Remembering Dr. Michael DeBakey
07/14/2008 Rep. Burgess delivers a 5 minute floor speech honoring and remembering the late Dr. Michael DeBakey, a mentor of Rep. Burgess, a pioneer in medicine, and a recent Congressional Gold Medal recipient. To view the transcript please visit the News Center.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation
07/08/2008 Rep. Burgess delivers a 1 hour special order on the house floor regarding the importance on energy efficiency and conservation as energy prices continue to rise. To view the transcript please visit the News Center.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Consumer-Drive Health Care for All Americans
06/03/2008 Rep. Burgess delivers a 1 hour special order on why consumer-driven health care is the right prescription for all Americans. To view the transcript please visit the News Center.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Food vs. Fuel
05/21/2008 Rep. Burgess delivers a 1 hour special order on the growing crisis of food versus fuel and the debate that rages in Congress. To view the transcript visit the News Center.

VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

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