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Updated 8 January 2008
Calls for Proposals:
Land Use and Land Cover Change



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Calls for Proposals

CCSP / USGCRP Land Use & Land Cover Change Working Group Members

For long term plans, see chapter on Land Use / Land Cover Change of the draft Strategic Plan posted on web site of US Climate Change Science Program



See also the separately listed Fellowship Opportunities.

Posted 8 January 2008. Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is soliciting basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data. Applications are due by 30 April 2008 with some research areas due sooner.

Posted 8 January 2008. Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics. The National Science Foundation’s Geomorphology and Land-Use Dynamics program supports innovative research into processes that shape and modify landscapes over a variety of length and time scales. The program encourages research that investigates quantitatively the coupling and feedback between such processes, their rates, and their relative roles, especially in the contexts of variation in climatic and tectonic forcings and in light of changes due to human impact. Proposals are due on 16 January and 16 July annually.

Posted 22 April 2005 Funding Opportunity Announcement: NOAA Climate and Global Change Program for FY 2006.  Announcement published in the Federal Register on 22 April 2005 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  Letter of Intent Due Date: May 20, 2005.

Posted 8 October 2004  Earth Sciences Research at the National Science Foundation [NSF].  Program solicitation from the NSF, Directorate for Geosciences,  Division of Earth Sciences.   "The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) supports research and education focused on understanding Earth dynamics. Deciphering the complex record of the planet's past or investigating the forces actively changing it today, EAR's research portfolio centers on the Earth's interior and terrestrial surface, including freshwater systems and interactions with the biosphere and atmosphere. Support is available for field, laboratory, and theoretical studies in any discipline of earth science including geology, geobiology, geophysics, geochemistry, geodesy, geolimnology, geomorphology, economic geology, environmental science, hydrology, paleontology, petrology, sedimentology, seismology, stratigraphy, structural geology, tectonics, and volcanology. Given the complexity of Earth systems, multidisciplinary research is strongly encouraged and supported." 

NOAA Climate and Global Change Program
FY 2005 Program Announcement
Posted 9 April 2004.

Announcement for Non-Federal Applicants. Federal Register notice (dtd 25 March 2004) from NOAA. See also Correction  published in Federal Register on dtd 31 March 2004.  Letters Of Intent Due: 4/22/04.  Full Proposals Due: 6/18/04. 

Announcement for Federal ApplicantsLetters Of Intent Due: 4/29/04.  Full Proposals Due: 6/25/04

FY 2005 Information Sheets

Atmospheric Composition and Climate

Climate Change Data and Detection

Climate Dynamics and Experimental Prediction

Climate Variability and Predictability

Climate Prediction Program for the Americas

Climate and Societal Interactions

Global Carbon Cycle

Posted 12 January 2004 NASA Graduate Student Fellowships In Earth System Science.  Call for proposals issued January 2004 by NASA.  New proposals due 16 March 2004.  Renewal proposals due 31 May 2004. 

Posted 4 November 2003"Regional Development, Population Trend, and Technology Change Impacts on Future Air Pollution Emissions." Request for Applications (RFA) issued (21 Oct 2003) by the STAR Grants Program within Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Research and Development on behalf of the EPA Global Change Research Program. Closing Date: February 5, 2004.

Posted 5 July 2003Research Announcement: New Investigator Program in Earth Science. Solicitation released by NASA on 27 May 2003. Proposals Due Date: August 15, 2003. "The New Investigator Program (NIP) in Earth Science was established in Fiscal Year 1996 to encourage the integration of Earth system science research and education by scientists and engineers at the early stage of their professional careers."

Posted 5 May 2003FY 2004 Program Announcement. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate and Global Change Program, Program Announcement for Federal Agencies and Federal Joint Institutes. Due Dates: Letters of Intent are due May 16, 2003. Proposals are due July 11, 2003. See also Federal Register (5 May 2003) announcement.

Posted 15 April 2003Interdisciplinary Science in the NASA Earth Science Enterprise. NASA Research Announcement NRA-03-OES-03. "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announces the solicitation of proposals for researchers to participate in NASA Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) Earth Observing System (EOS) interdisciplinary research and analysis activities. Proposals should contain cross-cutting, interdisciplinary research spanning and integrating across discipline areas addressed by the Enterprise." Among the questions the ESE Research Strategy seeks answers to: "How well can cycling of carbon through the Earth system be modeled, and how reliable are predictions of future atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane by these models?" Proposals due 1 May 2003.


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