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110th Congress
McCrery: Fine Print in Democrat Budget Includes Largest Tax Increase in American History
Authored By:
Ways and Means Republican Office

McCrery:  Fine Print in Democrat Budget Includes Largest Tax Increase in American History


Washington D.C. - Ways and Means Ranking Member Jim McCrery issued the following statement today after House Democrats adopted their FY 2009 budget:


“Today’s vote on the House Democrats’ Budget Resolution demonstrates the danger of seeing trees but not the forest,” said McCrery.  “The Democrats are quietly but very assuredly paving the way for a massive, economy-choking, tax increase.  At the same time, their proposal fails to suggest even small ideas for entitlement reform.” 


“With the Democrats intent on letting taxes increase by $1.2 trillion dollars over the next five years, all American taxpayers will be paying more.  There is an old mantra that the only two things certain in life are death and taxes.  The only things guaranteed by the Democrats’ budget are death and higher taxes.


“Their budget’s misplaced priorities don’t end with monumental tax hikes.  It extends to a looming entitlement crisis.  Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are on a collision course with a fiscal reality that is unsustainable unless substantial changes are made.  Rather than address the issue today, Democrats are choosing not to lead.


“I hope my Democratic colleagues will realize that record setting tax hikes, increasing spending, and ignoring the growing need for entitlement reform are not the solution, but the problem.”

















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