

Blackburn Introduces Legislation Aimed At Fiscal Responsibility / Economic Recovery
January 14, 2009  - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today announced the introduction of several pieces of legislation designed to keep the Federal Government fiscally responsible and aid in economic recovery. Fiscal Responsibility: Inspired by her days in the Tennessee State Senate, Congressman Blackburn has in... More

Blackburn Offers Amendment To Children’s Health Program
January 13, 2009  - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) presented an amendment to the House Rules Committee this evening on the Democrat sponsored changes to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). SCHIP is scheduled for a vote in the House tomorrow, completely bypassing the committee process, even thoug... More

Blackburn Sworn In For 4th Term
January 6, 2009  - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) was sworn in today for her 4th term representing Tennessee’s 7th District, which runs from suburban Memphis, through Nashville, to Clarksville Tennessee. Following her swearing-in Congressman Blackburn made the following statement: “I am so honored to represen... More

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