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Accident-Induced Flow and Material Transport in Nuclear Facilities-A Literature Review (NUREG/CR-3735)

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Publication Information

Manuscript submitted: March 1984
Date published: April 1984

Prepared for Division of Risk Analysis

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555

NRC FIN No. A7029

Availability Notice


The reported investigation is part of a program that was established for deriving radiological, source terms at a nuclear facility's atmospheric boundaries under postulated accident conditions. The overall program consists of three parts:  (1) accident delineation and survey, (2) internal source term characterization and release, and (3) induced flow and material transport. This report is an outline of pertinent induced-flow and material transport literature. Our objectives are to develop analytical techniques and data that will permit prediction of accident-induced transport of airborne material to a. plant's atmospheric boundaries.

Prediction of material transport requires investigation of the areas of flow dynamics and reentrainment/deposition. A review of material transport, fluid dynamics, and reentrainment/deposition literature is discussed. In particular, those references dealing, with model development are discussed with special emphasis on application to a facility's interconnected ventilation system.

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