

National Security and International Affairs

One of Congress’ primary responsibilities is to be responsible stewards of our national security and the men and women who defend it. Marsha Blackburn is honored to count the men and women of the 101st Airborne Division as well as Tennessee Guardsmen among her constituents. With the 101st and the Tennessee Guard deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, Blackburn travels to the Middle East often to hear about our progress in the War on Terror from the troops on the ground.

Marsha Blackburn knows that we live in a dangerous and dynamic world. She believes that our intelligence community and our forces on the frontlines must have all of the tools they need to keep us safe. That is why she has been a staunch supporter of the Patriot Act and fought to reform FISA regulations.

Blackburn also believes that countries that politically enfranchise women are more likely to be moderate, democratic, and American allies. For that reason, she has worked with female candidates in Iraq, Afghanistan, and across the Middle East to ensure that women in these vital countries have a voice.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Blackburn Sworn In For 4th Term 1.6.2009

Press Release - Blackburn Joins President Bush at Ft. Campbell 11.25.2008

Press Release - Blackburn Praises General for Job Well Done 9.16.2008

Article - Congratulating Tennessee Heroes On July 4th 6.27.2008

Press Release - Blackburn: Congress Finally Lives Up To Its Responsibility to Keep America Safe 6.20.2008

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Related Files:

Blackburn Letter to Secretary Gates

Part 3: Blackburn Cummings

Part 2: Blackburn Cummings

Part 1: Blackburn Cummings

Part 3: Interview With Pete Hegseth

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