

Veterans' Affairs

Marsha Blackburn knows that our veterans rank as the bravest among us. While their sacrifice to our country can never be fully weighed or repaid, Congressman Blackburn works to ensure that America does right by her veterans and their families, including living up to its promises.

Congressman Blackburn is a cosponsor of legislation to fully repeal the concurrent receipt and survivor benefit program offsets. She has introduced legislation to implement measures that will correct problems in VA information technology systems, and has sent a letter to the President requesting Inspector General teams be sent to reevaluate military health care facilities.

Congressman Blackburn believes that veterans’ sacrifices made on behalf of this nation deserve the utmost respect and admiration, and makes supporting veterans’ programs a priority issue at every turn.

The Blackburn Record: 2007

  • Veterans Affairs: In an effort to make the Department of Veterans Affairs more accessible, Congressman Blackburn proposed and passed an amendment to the FY 2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act that directed VA to use e-commerce technologies in their business practices.


Related Documents:

Press Release - Blackburn Sworn In For 4th Term 1.6.2009

Press Release - The Blackburn Report 12.20.2007

Press Release - Blackburn: Troop Funding Ensures Progress In Iraq Will Continue 12.19.2007

Press Release - Blackburn E-Commerce Amendment Passes House 6.25.2007

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Related Files:

Blackburn E-Commerce Amendment Passes House

Congressman Blackburn speaks about the passing of former Congressman Robin Beard