December 7, 2008

Buyer Disappointed that Peake Will not Remain VA Secretary

Beleaguered VA needs continuity and leadership, not change

For more information, contact: Brian Lawrence, (202) 225-3527

Washington D.C. — House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Steve Buyer (R-Ind.) today expressed disappointment in President-elect Obama’s decision to replace Dr. James Peake as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).


“For years, the VA has struggled unsuccessfully to overcome the mounting problems in its benefits administration,” Buyer said. “Secretary Peake is clearly the person who was turning the tide and overhauling the benefits delivery system. He has energized efforts to modernize and consolidate VA’s information technology system, knocked down barriers that impeded veterans’ seamless transition from military service to civilian life, and enhanced VA’s insurance collections and continuity of operations in times of national emergency.”


“Secretary Peake is exceedingly well qualified to continue as Secretary. He is a battle-tested warrior, a physician with forty years of medical expertise, and an experienced manager of large health care systems. Replacing him could cause a major setback, by simple virtue of the fact it takes a great deal of time to absorb the enormous amount of information necessary to run our nation’s second largest department and the world’s largest integrated health care system. VA is in a critical situation, and now is not the time to dismiss someone who has demonstrated the ability to manage this complex system.”


Despite his disappointment with the upcoming change, Ranking Member Buyer acknowledged that retired U.S. Army General Eric K. Shinseki is a qualified nominee and that every effort will be made to assist him throughout the transition.


“I know that General Shinseki is an honorable man who possesses the highest level of integrity. I congratulate him on his nomination, and I offer my full commitment to helping ensure that our nation’s veterans can rely on a VA system that is worthy of their patriotism and service.”




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