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Press Releases 2008

Mexico and U.S. Wrap up Record Year of Extraditions

Mexico City, December 30, 2008

Statement by Ambassador Antonio O. Garza

“The already impressive cooperation between the United States and Mexico in the area of extraditions continued to grow stronger throughout 2008. This year, our governments set records in both the number of extraditions from the United States to Mexico and the number of extraditions from Mexico to the United States.

“Mexico extradited 85 fugitives to the United States, breaking last year's record of 83. Of the 85 fugitives extradited by Mexico to the United States in 2008, 68 were Mexican citizens; the rest being U.S. citizens and third-country nationals. Twenty-four were extradited for drug trafficking and related money laundering; 38 for murder; 13 for violent sexual offenses, including rape and sexual assault of children; five for other violent crimes, including kidnapping, robbery and aggravated assault; four for document fraud and counterfeiting; and one for alien smuggling. These people will now be tried in the United States.

“In the other direction, the United States extradited 32 fugitives to Mexico, surpassing the previous record of 25 set in 2006.

“Due to the excellent collaboration between our governments, people on both sides of the border are safer with these dangerous fugitives off the street.”