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1/16/2009 - Herger Responds to Health Provisions in Stimulus Package
1/16/2009 - Camp & Brady Applaud Entry into Force of U.S. - Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
1/14/2009 - Camp Floor Statement: State Children's Health Insurance Program
1/14/2009 - ICYMI: Democrats' SCHIP Plans are All Smoke and Mirrors (RedState)
1/13/2009 - ICYMI- WSJ, Estates of Pain
1/9/2009 - Camp Congratulates New Additions to Ways & Means Subcommittees for 111th Congress
1/7/2009 - Camp Congratulates New Republicans on Ways & Means Committee
1/6/2009 - Surprise: Democrats Make it Easier to Increase, Harder to Cut Taxes
12/29/2008 - McCrery & Herger: "Entry into Force of the Oman FTA Will Create New Economic Opportunities for American and Omani Workers
12/23/2008 - McCrery & Herger: "Costa Rica's Participation in CAFTA Will Build on Impressive Gains Realized by American Workers and Businesses"
12/12/2008 - McCrery Applauds Lamy's Decision Not to Hold a Ministerial Meeting Due to Insufficient Flexibility by Trading Partners
12/10/2008 - McCrery Statement on Selection of Rep. Dave Camp as Next Ways and Means Ranking Member
12/2/2008 - Key Legislators on Trade Convey Doha Round Expectations to Administration
11/24/2008 - McCrery, Herger: "Level Playing Field by Passing U.S. - Colombia Agreement"
11/14/2008 - Herger Urges Renewed Commitment to Global Trade at G-20 Summit
11/10/2008 - Herger Joins British Prime Minister in Warning Against a New Era of Economic Isolationism
10/29/2008 - Opening Statement of Ranking Member Jim McCrery - Full Committee Hearing on Economic Recovery, Job Creation and Investment in America
9/23/2008 - Camp Statement: Health Subcommittee Hearing on the Private Health Insurance Market
9/23/2008 - McCrery and Herger Applaud the Administration's Intent to Join the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
9/18/2008 - McCrery Statement: Full Committee Hearing on Policy Options to Prevent Climate Change
9/16/2008 - Johnson Opening Statement: Hearing on Hearing Office Performance
9/15/2008 - Lawmakers Announce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Help More Kids Find Homes, Support Foster Families, Create Opportunities for Children in Foster Care
9/11/2008 - Camp Statement: Health Subcommittee Hearing on Physician Payment Reform
9/11/2008 - Weller Statement: Hearing on Challenges Facing the American Worker
8/21/2008 - Rangel and McCrery Mourn the Loss of Stephanie Tubbs Jones
8/13/2008 - Johnson Responds to SSA Inspector General Report on Administrative Law Judge Performance
7/31/2008 - Weller Opening Statement: Hearing on Racial Disproportionality in Foster Care
7/31/2008 - Johnson Floor Statement: H.R. 6633, An Extension of the E-Verify Program
7/30/2008 - House Passes Dominican Republic "2 for 1" Program Legislation also Extends and Improves Existing Trade Preferences
7/29/2008 - McCrery-Herger Express Disappointment that U.S. Ambition in the DOHA Round Not Matched by Key Trading Partners
7/24/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on Health Information Technology
7/24/2008 - McCrery-Camp Statement on GOP Healthcare Reform Agenda
7/24/2008 - McCrery Statement on Democrat Plan to Turn Off Medicare Trigger
7/24/2008 - McCrery, Ryan & Barton Offer Letter on Democrats' Failure to Address Medicare Solvency
7/23/2008 - McCrery Applauds "All of the Above" Energy Agenda
7/17/2008 - The Colombia Fair Trade Agreement Cannot Be Considered Next Year Under TPA
7/15/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on State Health Reforms
6/26/2008 - English Statement: Select Revenue Hearing on the Role of IRAs in Our Retirement System
6/24/2008 - Johnson Statement: Hearing on Protecting Social Security Beneficiaries from Predatory Lending
6/19/2008 - Johnson Statement: Joint Hearing on Economic Stimulus Payments
6/19/2008 - McDermott-Weller Bill Would Improve the Foster Care System
6/18/2008 - Opening Statement of Rep. Jim McCrery, Markup of the Alterniative Minimum Tax (AMT)
6/18/2008 - Republican Ways & Means Members Call for a Clean AMT Patch
6/12/2008 - Weller Motion to Recommit; H.R. 5749, the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2008
6/11/2008 - Weller Floor Statement; H.R. 5749, the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2008
6/10/2008 - Opening Statement of Ranking Member Dave Camp; Health Subcommittee Hearing on Health Disparities
6/9/2008 - McCrery-Herger Response to Conclusion of Canada-Colombia Trade Negotiations
5/29/2008 - McCrery & Herger Commend USTR for Filing a WTO Case Against the EU to Defend the Information Technology Agreement and U.S. High-Tech Interests
5/21/2008 - McCrery Floor Statement: H.R. 6049, the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act of 2008
5/21/2008 - McCrery Motion to Recommit Statement: H.R. 6049, the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act of 2008
5/15/2008 - McCrery Floor Statement: Extended Unemployment Benefits Provision in War Supplemental
5/14/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on Health Savings Accounts
5/10/2008 - McCrery Statement on Anniversary of May 10th Deal
5/6/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Health Subcommittee Hearing on Competitive Bidding for Durable Medical Equipment
5/6/2008 - Johnson Opening Statement: Social Security Subcommittee Hearing on Employment Eligibility Verification Systems
5/1/2008 - English Opening Statement: Hearing on Higher Education Tax Incentives
4/23/2008 - Opening Statements of Reps. McCrery & Johnson; Full Committee Hearing on Clearing the Disability Backlog
4/18/2008 - McCrery Statement on Reopening of Korean Market to U.S. Beef
4/16/2008 - Markup on Unemployment Benefits: Herger Highlights Colombia Agreement as Good for U.S. Workers
4/16/2008 - Weller Statement: Markup on Extended Unemployment Benefits
4/16/2008 - McCrery Statement: Markup of Extended Unemployment Benefits
4/15/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on the Instability of Health Coverage in America
4/15/2008 - Reynolds Floor Statement: H.R. 5719, Taxpayer Assistance and Simplification Act of 2008
4/10/2008 - Reps. McCrery and Herger Floor Statements Opposing the Democratic Procedural Ploy on Colombia Trade
4/10/2008 - Weller Opening Statement: Hearing on Extended Unemployment Benefits
4/9/2008 - Ways & Means Members McCrery and Herger Criticize Democrats' Attempts to Change the Rules for Colombia
4/7/2008 - McCrery & Herger Stress the Importance of a Vote on the Colombia TPA This Year
4/7/2008 - W&M Republicans Express Support for Colombian Free Trade Agreement
4/3/2008 - Weller: TARGET Act Helps Unemployed Workers In High Unemployment States
4/2/2008 - Congressman Jerry Weller's Floor Speech in Support of the Colombia FTA
4/1/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on the 2008 Medicare Trustees's Report
3/25/2008 - McCrery: Inaction is the Greatest Enemy of Entitlement Reform
3/13/2008 - McCrery: Fine Print in Democrat Budget Includes Largest Tax Increase in American History
3/13/2008 - Ways & Means Republicans Respond to the Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget
3/11/2008 - Camp Opening Statement: Health Subcommittee Hearing on MedPAC's Annual March Report w/ MedPAC Chairman Glenn M. Hackbarth
3/5/2008 - McCrery: Democrats' Budget Blueprint Ignores Reality
3/5/2008 - Ways & Means Republicans Respond to the Democrats' FY '09 Budget Proposal
3/5/2008 - English Statement: Hearing on Tax Treatment of Derivatives
2/28/2008 - Camp Statement: Health Subcommittee Hearing on Medicare Advantage
2/28/2008 - Johnson and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ensure Legal U.S. Workforce
2/27/2008 - McCrery Statement on Democrats' Energy Bill
2/27/2008 - Weller Opening Statement: Hearing on Child Welfare Reform Proposals
2/27/2008 - Statements of Reps. McCrery & Herger: H.R. 5264- Extension of Andean Trade Preferences Program
2/25/2008 - Questions & Answers: The Economic Stimulus Plan
2/25/2008 - McCrery Statement on Medicare Trigger Legislation
2/15/2008 - McCrery Statement on Administration's Proposal to Preserve Medicare
2/14/2008 - Statements of Reps. McCrery & Herger; Markup of Legislation Extending the Andean Trade Preferences Program
2/13/2008 - Statement of Rep. Dave Camp; Hearing on President's FY09 Budget w/ Dep. of HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt
2/13/2008 - Statement of Rep. Jerry Weller Hearing on President's FY09 Budget for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
2/8/2008 - Johnson Calls Upon SSA to Hold Administrative Law Judges Accountable
1/28/2008 - McCrery Statement on State of the Union Address
12/20/2007 - McCrery and Herger: Keep Doha Moving Forward
12/19/2007 - McCrery on Passage of the AMT Patch
12/12/2007 - McCrery Applauds Senate Passage of AMT Patch
12/12/2007 - McCrery Floor Statement: H.R. 4351/ The AMT Patch
12/11/2007 - Floor Statement of Ranking Member Wally Herger on Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension
12/11/2007 - House Democrats' New AMT Bill is Pure Political Theater
12/6/2007 - McCrery On Democrats' Energy Tax Increase
12/5/2007 - McCrery: House Democrats Wage War on American Jobs
11/15/2007 - Opening Statement of Ranking Member Dave Camp on Nursing Home Ownership and Quality
11/8/2007 - McCrery on Passage of the Peru Free Trade Agreement
11/8/2007 - Mother of All Tax Hikes: Democrats vs. Reality
11/7/2007 - McCrery Op-Ed: "Where Paygo Means You Pay"
11/6/2007 - McCrery on Carried Interest and the AMT Patch
11/6/2007 - McCrery: Enact AMT Patch Without Tax Increases
11/1/2007 - McCrery on the Need for a "Clean" AMT Patch
11/1/2007 - Ways and Means Republicans on "Mini-MATH"
10/31/2007 - Wall Street Journal on TAA, "Bad Trade"
10/30/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Retirement Plan Fees
10/30/2007 - Energy Prices Soar to New Highs While Democrats Dither
10/29/2007 - McCrery on MATH and Small Businesses
10/26/2007 - Ten Things Democrats Don't Want You to Know About MATH
10/25/2007 - Memo: McCrery on "Mother of All Tax Hikes"
10/25/2007 - SSA: Democrats' Fix Wont Stop Illegals from Getting SCHIP and Medicaid
10/24/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: TAA
10/23/2007 - Treasury Letter Details Cost of AMT Delay
10/18/2007 - CBO: Democrats SCHIP Numbers Don't Add Up
10/18/2007 - Audit Suggests Scope of "Non-eligible, Non-citizen" Problem With SCHIP Plan
10/17/2007 - English Opening Statement: Hearing on Heroes Bill
10/16/2007 - Democrats' Fuzzy Math on Part D
10/16/2007 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on Medicare Advantage Audits
10/16/2007 - Grassley, McCrery, Letter on AMT
10/11/2007 - Court Ruling Reinforces That Democrats SCHIP Illegal Immigrant Fix Won't Work
10/10/2007 - McCrery Statement on Estate Tax Vote
10/10/2007 - McCrery Floor Statement: HR 3056
10/4/2007 - Herger Opening Statement: Subcommittee Hearing on Import Safety
10/4/2007 - Floor Statement of Rep. McCrery; HR 3648 The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007
10/2/2007 - McCrery Statement on Democratic Surtax Proposal
9/27/2007 - McCrery Letter to SSA Astrue
9/26/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Mark-up of H.R. 1424, Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007
9/25/2007 - Democrats' SCHIP Expansion Makes It Easier For Illegal Aliens To Get Medicaid
9/25/2007 - Reps. McCrery & Herger Floor Statements: HR 3375, Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension
9/25/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Non-Markup of Draft Implementing Legislation to the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
9/20/2007 - McCrery: We Shouldn’t Be Playing Politics with Children’s Health
9/19/2007 - Camp Opening Statement: Mark-up of H.R. 1424, Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007
9/18/2007 - McCrery & Herger Opening Statements: Mark-up of H.R. 3375, Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension
9/18/2007 - English Opening Statement: Markup of FAA Extension Act & Airport and Airway Trust Fund Financing Act
9/11/2007 - Good News on Trade: New Census Data Strengthens the Case for Promptly Moving Pending FTAs
9/7/2007 - Real Tax Fairness and the Reality of the Global Economy
9/7/2007 - Wall Street Journal: Dope Smokers
9/6/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Full Committee Hearing on Fairness and Equity in the Tax Code
9/6/2007 - Lower Capital Gains and Dividends Tax Rates Benefit Millions of Americans
9/6/2007 - McCrery: Reauthorize SCHIP the Right Way
8/27/2007 - “Official” Poverty Data Ignore Most Government Anti-Poverty Benefits
8/4/2007 - McCrery Floor Statement on H.R. 2776--Energy Tax Bill
8/3/2007 - McCrery Commends Herger for Introducing Short-Term TAA Extension Bill
8/1/2007 - Democrat’s “CHAMP” Act Contains Mystery Tax on Health Insurance
8/1/2007 - McCrery Floor Statement on H.R. 3162--SCHIP
8/1/2007 - Herger Opening Statement: Hearing on Legislation Related to Trade with China
7/31/2007 - Wall Street Journal: Tax Hike Scorecard
7/31/2007 - Democrats’ PAYGO Fix Is a Bait and Switch on Kids’ Healthcare
7/31/2007 - Democrats’ Plan Will Cut Medicare for Retired Union Workers
7/30/2007 - Pro-Life Democrats Face a Choice Between Their Liberal Leadership and Promises to Voters
7/30/2007 - “Brother, Can You Spare $76 Billion?”
7/27/2007 - Ways and Means Democrats Vote to Cut Medicare for Neediest to Expand Government Healthcare for Upper-Middle Class
7/27/2007 - Ways and Means Democrats’ Mystery Midnight Tax Provision
7/26/2007 - Ways and Means Republicans Protest
7/26/2007 - Fact vs. Fiction on the Farm Bill Tax Hike
7/26/2007 - U.S. Business: Vote “NO” on the Surprise Farm Bill Tax Hike
7/26/2007 - Barton, McCrery Seek Bipartisanship on SCHIP
7/25/2007 - Democrats Poised to Cut Successful Medicare Advantage Program
7/25/2007 - Democrats say: “Thank you for Smoking”
7/25/2007 - Democrats’ Surprise Farm Bill Tax Increase
7/25/2007 - Democrats’ Plan to Slash Medicare Advantage Would Hurt Minorities Most
7/25/2007 - The Wrong Choice for America: Democrats' Massive Tax Increase and Medicare Cuts
7/24/2007 - The Wrong Choice for America: Democrats Plan Massive Tax Increases and Medicare Cuts
7/18/2007 - Democrats Vote to End Program that Helps Close “Tax Gap”
7/16/2007 - Bipartisan Legislation to Thwart Identity Theft Introduced
6/28/2007 - MEMO: McCrery on Trade Promotion Authority
6/27/2007 - House Passes Andean Trade Preferences 365-59
6/26/2007 - House to Consider Andean Preference Bill Tomorrow
6/25/2007 - McCrery Comments on Completion of Text for Bipartisan Trade Agreement
6/21/2007 - Johnson Opening Statement: Hearing on Protecting the Privacy of the Social Security Number from ID Theft
6/21/2007 - Ranking Member McCrery Comments on the G-4 Meeting in Potsdam
6/20/2007 - MEMO: McCrery on Democrats' Energy Plan
6/20/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Markup of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2007
6/20/2007 - Green Eggs and Ham:
6/20/2007 - McCrery Disappointed by Passage of Energy Tax Increase
6/14/2007 - Wall Street Journal: 100% Marginal Tax Rate
6/14/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Hearing on U.S. Worker Competitiveness in a Globalized Economy
5/23/2007 - Ways and Means Members Raise Concerns Over China Policies
5/22/2007 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on Medicare Advantage Private Fee-For-Service Plans
5/17/2007 - McCrery: Democrats’ Budget Ignores the Past, Present, and Future
5/10/2007 - McCrery Hails Trade Pact
5/10/2007 - Congress and Administration Reach a Deal on Trade Policy
5/9/2007 - Herger Opening Statement: Tri-Partite Hearing on Currency Policy and Its Effects on U.S. Business and Workers
5/4/2007 - Trade Policy Negotiations Continue
5/1/2007 - Johnson Opening Statement: Hearing on the Hiring of Administrative Law Judges at the Social Security Administration
4/25/2007 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on the 2007 Medicare Trustees Report
4/24/2007 - Rep. English Opening Statement: Hearing on Member Proposals on Energy Tax Incentives
4/23/2007 - Trustees Report Highlights the Urgent Need for Entitlement Reform
4/23/2007 - McCrery Opposes Rangel / Baucus Tax Deal
4/19/2007 - Rep. English Opening Statement: Hearing on Energy and Tax Policy
4/17/2007 - McCrery Op-Ed: Democrats All Wet On Tax Day
3/29/2007 - Trade Policy Negotiations Continue
3/28/2007 - Ramstad Opening Statement: Full Committee Markup of the Taxpayer Protection Act of 2007
3/27/2007 - McCrery/Herger Respond to Rangel/Levin Trade Proposal
3/22/2007 - Rep. English Opening Statement: Hearing on Alternative Minimum Tax
3/21/2007 - Gaps in Logic
3/21/2007 - Democrats' Budget Includes Largest Tax Increase in American History
3/15/2007 - Herger Opening Statement: Hearing on the Nonmarket Trade Remedy Act of 2007
3/14/2007 - Statement of Rep. Jim McCrery: Hearing on Revenue Increasing Measures in the "Small Business and Work Opportunity Act of 2007"
3/14/2007 - NAACP: Don't Cut Medicare Advantage
3/6/2007 - MEMO: McCrery on Medicare Advantage
3/5/2007 - Democratic Tax Increase
3/1/2007 - McCrery Opposes Waxman Attack on Prescription Drug Benefit
3/1/2007 - Camp Opening Statement: Hearing on MedPAC's Annual March Report
2/28/2007 - Statement of Rep. Jim McCrery Hearing on Climate Change
2/16/2007 - House Passes Rangel / McCrery Tax Relief for Small Businesses
2/12/2007 - Opening Statement of Rep. Jim McCrery: Mark-Up of H.R. 976, the Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2007
2/12/2007 - McCrery Hails Ways and Means Passage of Small Business Tax Relief
2/9/2007 - Rangel / McCrery Introduce Bipartisan Tax Relief for Small Businesses
2/6/2007 - Statement of Rep. Jim McCrery Hearing on President’s Fiscal Year 2008 Budget with U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
2/5/2007 - McCrery Calls for Honest, Responsible Dialogue on Entitlements
1/31/2007 - Ways and Means Republicans Back TPA
1/31/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Hearing on Economic Challenges Facing Middle Class Families
1/30/2007 - McCrery Opening Statement: Full Committee Hearing on Trade and Globalization
1/30/2007 - Rangel / McCrery Welcome Renewed WTO Negotiations
1/23/2007 - McCrery Applauds Bush Health Care Proposal
1/18/2007 - McCrery Laments Fitting End to “100 Hours”: An Ill-Considered and Counter-Productive Tax Increase
1/17/2007 - Ways and Means Finalizes Subcommittee Assignments
1/9/2007 - House Republicans Introduce Comprehensive Minimum Wage Alternative to Protect Small Businesses and their Workers
1/9/2007 - Rangel and McCrery Applaud IRS for Identifying Key Issues
1/9/2007 - Ways and Means Republicans Announce Subcommittee Ranking Members
1/3/2007 - McCrery Congratulates New Republican Members of House Ways and Means
1/1/2006 - Test

Colombia Tariff Ticker
Committee Calendar Menu

January 2009

































Committee Hot Topics Menu
1/6/2009 - Talking Points: Motion to Recommit Changes in the Majority's Opening Day Rules Package
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12/10/2008 - McCrery Statement on Selection of Rep. Dave Camp as Next Ways and Means Ranking Member
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11/24/2008 - Editorial Boards Across the Country Continue the Drumbeat to Pass Colombia FTA
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Economic Corner Menu

U.S. Has Trade Surplus in Manufactured Products with FTA Partners

Continued strong growth in U.S. exports has resulted in a trade surplus of $2.7 billion in manufactured goods with FTA partner countries for the first five months of 2008.  The $2.7 billion surplus represents an improvement of $15 billion over the same period last year.  The increase in the trade surplus with Canada, Singapore, Chile, Australia, and CAFTA was $12.6 billion.

The rate of growth of U.S. exports of manufactured products to FTA partner countries far exceeds that to non-FTA markets.  While the rest of the U.S. economy struggles, rapidly rising U.S. exports are sustaining U.S. economic growth.  Therefore, it is vitally important that Congress passes the three pending fair trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea, and Panama.  The U.S. International Trade Commission has estimated that these three agreements would increase U.S. exports by at least $10.8 billion.  These fair trade agreements are an economic stimulus for the U.S. manufacturing sector and American workers. 

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