U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Contact: Alison Lynn

Burgess Does Not Support Auto Bailout

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Washington, DC, Dec 11, 2008 -

Putting a band-aid on a gaping wound might cover the injury temporarily, but it doesn’t cure the problem in the long run. This is analogous to the automaker financing package passed by the House and that is why I could not support it.

This bailout empowers the federal government to micromanage private industry in an unprecedented and unacceptable way. As someone who has experience running a business, I can assure you outside mandates are not the prescription for success or even for staying solvent.

As a matter of principle, allowing the government to choose winners and losers does not comport with a free society. It does not seem equitable for Congress to pick which industry is more deserving of taxpayer dollars than another.

Some have referred to this bill as a "bailout," but it is like an approval for an extended line of credit between automakers and Congress.  We have lost the ability to say "no" when they return to Washington to ask for the next installment.



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