School Accountability:
School Quality Survey
User Guides

These documents can be used as supporting material when administering the survey.

School Quality Survey

The School Quality Survey (SQS) is a DOE-administered survey that asks teachers, students, and parents for their opinions of school quality. Schools may find survey results useful when developing self-reports for accreditation and standards implementation.

Statewide Summary: For overall DOE results, see the Statewide Summary (Revised & Expanded).

For individual school results, view reports by year in the left column.

Current report: School Year 2007-2008
Last update: November 21, 2008

The SQS includes five forms: teacher, parent, and elementary, middle/intermediate, and high school students. Each of these five forms contains approximately 45 items.

The SQS is administered to all DOE schools that request surveys.

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Systems Accountability Office, System Evaluation & Reporting Section