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Food and Drug Administration
Office of Public Affairs
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Rockville, MD 20857

This public calendar is issued by the Food and Drug Administration. It lists meetings held by the FDA policy makers with persons outside the executive branch of the Federal Government.



September 20-26, 2002

FDA Official and Title Date and Site Other FDA Participants Non-FDA Participants Subject
Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine 9/9 Rockville, MD several CVM staff Several reps. from IAMS Pet food issues
Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine 9/19 Alexandria, VA Cathy Beck, Martine Hartogensis Members AHI Gov. Communication Comm. Quarterly meeting
Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine 9/26 Dallas, TX several CVM staff Attendees at Animal Cloning & the Prod. of Food Products Speech
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/20 Washington, DC   Members of Practice Group Gave presentation to Federalist Society Practice Group
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/20 Washington, DC none Warburg Group, C.J. Sylvester, Doug Badger, Pat Pace, Bihua Chen, Helen Alva, Shantha Verkatasaman, Christina Ghorban, Maria Barone, Dale Shivnairain Speech-Discussion
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/24 Rockville, MD Elizabeth Dickinson, Fred Ansell, Kim Dettelbach, OCC; Gary Buehler, CDER Elvia Gustavson, David Rosen, Armand J. LeBlanc, Gensia Sicor ANDA Discussion
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/24 Washington, DC none Peter Barton Hutt, John E. Runnells, III, Jack W. Lasersohn, The Vertical Group; Nancy L. G. Saucier, NVCA Discussion of Process issues
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/25 Washington, DC none Robert Gasaway, Jose Rivera, Rick Gonazlez, Abbott Labs General regulatory issues
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/25 Washington, DC Liz Dickinson, Fred Ansel, Kim Dettelbach, Gary Buehler (via phone) Robert Dormer, Jatin J. Shah, Faulding Pharmaceutical Co. ANDA-Discussion
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 9/26 Washington, DC none FDLI Food and Drug Comm. Speech
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 10/3 Washington, DC none Alan Bennett, Esq. Ropes & Gray; Keith Treibasser, Procter & Gamble Product Discussion
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 10/4 Rockville, MD Joy Dawson, Miriam Chapman, OCC, Eric Flamm, OC Stan Abrason, Arent Fox, Peter Hutt, Mary Louisa Gallozzi, Clausen Ely, Covington & Burling; Ed Korwek, Hogan & Hartson; Deborah White, Food Marketing Institute; Karil Kochenderfer, Grocery Manufacturers of America; Carla West, Ag Biotech Planning Committee Guidance rule
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 9/23-24 Bethesda, MD many others Conversations with the following...Johannes Lower, Paul Ehrlich Institute; W. French Anderson, Gene Therapy Labs, USC; Maurice R. Hilleman, Merck Inst. of Vaccinology, West Pt., VA; John Petricciani, International Assn. for Biologicals, CA Centennial Celebration
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 9/27 Bethesda, MD Neil Goldman, Chip Petricoin Kathleen McCormick, SRA Discuss IT support
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 9/30 Bethesda, MD other CBER Staff Wyeth Conference call in reference to the Smallpox Vaccine
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 9/30 Bethesda, MD other CBER Staff phRMA Attend phRMA Liaison Meeting
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 10/1 Bethesda, MD none DoD/BioPort Anthrax vaccine
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 10/4 Bethesda, MD Mark Elengold, Jesse Goodman Carl Feldbaum, Dave Holvek, H. Stewart Parker, BIO Discussion

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