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Food and Drug Administration
Office of Public Affairs
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

This public calendar is issued by the Food and Drug Administration. It lists meetings held by the FDA policy makers with persons outside the executive branch of the Federal Government.

April 26 - May 2, 2002

FDA Official and Title Date and Site Other FDA Participants Non-FDA Participants Subject
Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine 4/29 Myrtle Beach, SC None Southern Animal Health Assoc. Presentation
Dr. Stephen F. Sundlof, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine 5/6 Rockville, MD Dr. Dan McChesney, Mr. Bill Marnane Dr. Roger Williams and others - US Pharmacopeia Cooperation between USP and CVM
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 5/8 Rockville, MD William McConagha, OCC; Sharon Lindan Mayl, OC/OP; David Horowitz, CDER David Christensen, William E. Hawxhurst, BayerDiscussion re: Bayer Women's aspirin, plus calcium
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 5/8 Rockville Tara Boland, AnnaMarie Kempic Alan Phelps, Dept. of Justice; Peter Wettermann, Paul A. Duddy, International Medical; Marc J. Scheineson, ReedSmith/IMI Enforcement issue
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 5/8 Rockville, MD Eric M. Blumberg, Michael Levy, Steve Silverman, AnnaMarie Kempic, OCC Jose E. Rivera, Jr., Abbott; Meredith Manning, Jeffrey Shapiro, Hogan & Hartson; Steve Harper, Rob Gasaway, Kirkland & Ellis Enforcement Issue
Daniel E. Troy, Chief Counsel 5/9 Rockville, MD Eric M. Blumberg, AnnaMarie Kempic, Beverly Rothstein, OCC James F. Rill, Elizabeth B. McCallum, Margaret M. Zwisler Howrey, Simon, Arnold & White Contact Lens
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 4/30 Arlington, VA Others Other government components and Industry Speech "Defense and Homeland Security"

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