society of wetland scientists crystal bog new england chapter
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont


Climate Change Workshop The Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists will be sponsoring a workshop entitled Climate Change in New England: Projections and Policy on Friday, November 9, at the Babson Executive Conference Center from 9.00am-4.30pm. SWS New England Chapter is one of the co-sponsors of this meeting. Information and Registration Materials

New Chapter Officers! As of June 3, 2005, the officers of the New England Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists are:

President: Paul J. McManus
Paul J. McManus, PWS is the President and owner of EcoTec, Inc. of Worcester, Massachusetts an environmental consulting firm which he founded in 1990. He received certification as a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS #962) in 1995. Paul received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts and a Master of Science in Ecology from the University of Massachusetts at Boston. He works as a consulting wetland scientist for commercial and municipal clients, where his work includes substantial peer review consulting for local conservation commissions.

Vice President: David Cameron
David Cameron, PWS is an ecologist and wetland scientist at Tighe & Bond, Inc., an engineering firm headquartered in Westfield, MA. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Science and has been employed as a consultant for the past 13 years. His principal interests include wetlands, land use, and rare species policy analysis. He has served as an officer of the SWS New England Chapter since 2000.

Secretary: Jennifer Doyle-Breen
Jennifer Doyle-Breen has a B.A. in biology from Holy Cross and an M.S. in plant biology from the University of New Hampshire. She is a certified professional wetland scientist with over fifteen years experience in wetland science and consulting. For the past eleven years Ms. Doyle-Breen has been employed by Metcalf & Eddy in Wakefield, MA, working in all aspects of wetland consulting, including wetland delineation, functional assessment, permitting, long-term plant monitoring, vegetation surveys, and mitigation design. She has been secretary of the SWS New England Chapter since 2002.

Treasurer: Barbara Keller
Barbara Keller was principal in Landplans, Inc., a landscape design firm specializing in residential landscape design, for ten years. She handled the business side of the firm, in addition to design. After a return to school for a degree in plant ecology, she is presently teaching Biology to business majors at Bentley College. Her research interests focus on the effects of invasive species on a variety of plant communities. Barbara has served as SWS-NE’s Treasurer since 1998.

By-Law Approvals At long last, the New England Chapter has by-laws!


Connecticut Association of Wetland Scientists

Maine Association of Wetland Scientists

Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists

New Hampshire Association of Natural Resource Scientists

Rhode Island Association of Wetland Scientists

Contact our webmaster if you would like to see a link to your State wetland group on this site.


Read what your colleagues have on their minds, or post some comments of your own, on the SWS New England Message Board


Minutes of 29 April, 2004, Chapter Meeting


Paul J. McManus - President
David Cameron - Vice President
Jennifer Doyle-Breen - Secretary
Barbara Keller - Treasurer
Deb Eustis-Grandy - Webmaster

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