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November 1999

November 22-30, 1999
Sodium Intake Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease Death in Overweight Persons, November 30, 1999
New Studies Show Death Rates Significantly Lower When Major Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Coronary Heart Disease are Absent, November 30, 1999
New Tool Provides Major Advance for Understanding Chronic Lyme Disease and Other Illnesses, November 29, 1999
"Untangling" Tau: New Mouse Model Shows Key Feature of Alzheimer's Disease, November 23, 1999
Club Drugs: Raves, Risks, and Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse and Community-Based Partners will Announce a National Research and Education Initiative about Club Drugs, November 23, 1999
Researchers Discover Alcohol-Sensitive Membrane Channel, November 22, 1999
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Linked to Lung Cancer and Other Health Effects, November 22, 1999
Note to Editors and Reporters - "Hepatitis C in African Americans" an NIH Workshop, November 22, 1999
Researchers Discover Alcohol-Sensitive Membrane Channel, November 22, 1999
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Linked to Lung Cancer and Other Health Effects, November 22, 1999
Note to Editors and Reporters - "Hepatitis C in African Americans" an NIH Workshop, November 22, 1999

November 15-21, 1999
Memorial Services for David P. Rall, NIEHS Director and Founding Director of NTP, To Be Held at NIH, Bethesda, MD, and at NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, N.C., November 19, 1999
New Target Identified for Chronic Pain Therapy, November 18, 1999
Note to Reporters and Editors: NCI Announces Major Enhancements to CancerNetT Web Site, November 17, 1999
Allen M. Spiegel, M.D., Named Director of NIDDK, November 15, 1999
Better Health: Not Just Another New Year's Resolution, November 15, 1999

November 8-14, 1999
NIH Scientists Create First Detailed Genetic Map of Malaria Parasite, November 11, 1999
Note to Reporters and Editors: New Lecture Series For Extraordinary Cancer Communicators Honors Eleanor Nealon, November 10, 1999
NHLBI-VA Study Finds No Heart Failure Survival Increase With Beta-Blocker, November 10, 1999
Chewing Tobacco Use Linked to Dental Caries, November 8, 1999

November 1-7, 1999
Only Small Link Found between Hours in Child Care and Mother-Child Interaction, November 7, 1999
Study Casts Doubt That Melatonin Goes Down as Age Goes Up: Older Buyers Take Note, November 5, 1999
Anti-HIV Treatment Improves Immune System and Fights Sight-Threatening Eye Infection, November 2, 1999
National, Local Drug Addiction Experts Join Forces at Seattle Town Meeting To Discuss Substance Abuse Science, Prevention, and Treatment, November 1, 1999
Growing New Blood Vessels with a Timed-Release Capsule of Growth Factor is a Promising Treatment for Heart Bypass Patients, Finds NHLBI Study, November 1, 1999

This page was last reviewed on June 29, 2005 .

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