State of Nevada

Governor Jim Gibbons
Governor Jim Gibbons

Report Suspicious Activity

Suspicious Activity Report

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Live Traffic Hazards and Road Closures - NHP

Probation Success Probability


The form is divided into two major sections:

  • 1. Prior Criminal History and Present Offense
  • 2. Social History, Community Impact and Presentence Adjustment
Prior Criminal History/Present Offense
Once this section is scored, the "raw" score is determined and entered. The raw score is then multiplied by 1.2 which gives a total score for this section.

Social History, Community Impact
The Social History section looks at defendant's social history including; age, family situation, education, employment, or programming (such as a vocational program, housewife, etc.), military history, employment, and current financial situation.

The Community Impact looks at the defendant's commitment and ties to the community, available resources, drug and alcohol abuse and mental health issues.

Presentence Adjustment focuses on the defendant's honesty and cooperation in the investigation, their attitude towards supervision and the instant offense.

Once this section is scored, the total is added at the bottom of the section. The adjusted score from the Prior Criminal History/Present Offense section is added to the total score from the Social History, Community Impact section. The total score is then used to determine the defendant's amenability for probation.

PSP Score Range
Total Score Ranges






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DPS Director

Jerry Hafen, DPS Director

Jerry Hafen

DPS Deputy Director

Phil Brown - DPS Deputy Director

Phil Brown

DPS Division
Parole & Probation

Bernard W. Curtis,  Chief

DPS Calendar Evemts


 1445 Old Hotsprings Road., Suite 104 .  Carson City, NV 89706 . (775) 684-2600.  FAX: (775) 684-2693

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