record cold?
Frigid weather lingers in Aroostook County
Brad Kelly (right) of Allagash checks the battery charger as he tries to start his car early Friday afternoon with the help of his neighbor Richard Sacharko (background). Although the sun came out, the temperature was still around 17 degrees below zero in the area.
By Jen Lynds
BDN Staff

CARIBOU, Maine - Residents of northern Aroostook County saw bone-chilling cold for the second day in a row on Friday , as temperatures dipped into the minus 40’s in some parts of the region and plummeted to an astounding temperature of 50 below zero in Big Black River.

Rich Norton, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service Office in Caribou, said the unofficial temperature in Big Black River will be verified, but could be a new record for cold temperatures if it proves official.

In northern Maine, temperatures are expected to stay below zero until Sunday, when snow is expected to move into the area.

“We need the snow to bring the temperatures back up,” Norton said Friday.

Aroostook County once again was the coldest spot in the state. It was minus 48 at Nine Mile Bridge, and a temperature of minus 47 was recorded in Allagash. It was 44 below zero at Clayton Lake and 39 below zero in Presque Isle.

A temperature of 38 below was recorded in Limestone, while it was 37 below zero at the NWS office in Caribou.

Houlton residents saw a temperature of minus 35, while it was minus 28 in Ashland.

It was 20 below zero at Acadia National Park and 15 below zero in Bar Harbor in Hancock County.

In Penobscot County, it was minus 38 in Grindstone and minus 31 in Corrina. Old Town residents saw a temperature of 30 below zero, while it was minus 24 in Bangor, Millinocket and Patten.

In Piscataquis County, it was 37 below zero at Abbot Village and 31 below zero in Dover-Foxcroft.

It was minus 35 in Danforth in Washington County and minus 28 in Cherryfield. Machias citizens saw temperatures of 25 below zero.

Norton said that similar temperatures were expected on Saturday morning before the snow moves in on Sunday.

The cold comes from a large, dry air mass that had been lingering in Alaska and northern Canada for a couple of weeks before creeping down into the eastern half of the United States.

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16 comments on this item

It was -40 at 5 AM at my house in Perham.

it was also -40 around that time here in 40 Dexter

It was so cold that even my St. Bernard had to be pushed out the front door this morning.

yah one of my dogs thinks she has to go out very time one of us get up to the door was opened and she started out turned round and and went back to bed....she didn't ask to go out again ubtil almost 9 am

Well you know its cold when I drove home from work this morning and my temperature gauge was -22, and in spots it was read ---

It was minus 40.1 at my place.

It's all part of Global Warming---algore said so--Well---he's actually changed to global climate change: let's keep enacting more laws.

Can you imagine how much $ we would save if school was from May----November!!

if your thermometer is mounted close to/on your house, the reading you got may be too high. Even a minute amount of heat radiating from the building will effect the reading by 10 degrees or more. It's best to have your themometer mounted on a shed or other unheated structure away from your house so you can get an accurate reading.

On 1/16/09 at 05:10 PM, CeeBlue wrote:

Can you imagine how much $ we would save if school was from May----November!!

matt29 reply: Probably not all that much. The school buidlings still have to be heated in the winter to keep pipes from freezing whether classes are being held or not.

On 1/16/09 at 04:07 PM, thekingofmaine wrote:

Well you know its cold when I drove home from work this morning and my temperature gauge was -22, and in spots it was read ---

matt29 reply: Were you uisng one of those battery operated LED models? Once it gets below a certain temperature (which is far greater than the lower limit of the device) the LED stops working and displays a row of dashes. That is to say, those LEDs may stop working at minus 20 when the low end of their range is minus 40. Best to use an alcohol thermometer at low temps.

Amazing. It's Maine. It's January. It's cold. IT'S NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

matt29-get a life

All the more reason to snuggle with your honey...and hug your kids :)

On 1/16/09 at 07:19 PM, hossthehermit wrote:

Amazing. It's Maine. It's January. It's cold. IT'S NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's news because in the past few years we have not dealt with severe low temperatures for an extended period of time. Last winter we had a lot of snow but it was not this cold for an extended period of time. The entire US is dealing with record lows because of this, so that makes it news.

In the middle of January 1946 I stepped off the front porch of the Border Patrol camp at the mouth of the Big Black River and the thermometer there said 58 below zero. Three Officers and two Canadians under arrest started snow shoeing to Allagash on the river St. John. After a couple of hours of breaking a snowshoe trail we stopped to make a pot of tea. We found some dry cedar at an abandoned woods camp and could not get it to burn, it just had a blue flicker of flame that was cold but would not burn. After a few minutes we had to get back on the trail as the cold started to penetrate because of our inactivity. Donald McEdward, retired Border Patrol.

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