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If a student withdraws from classes, the student should contact the Office of the Dean of Students in Schleman Hall and complete a withdrawal form to begin the official withdrawal process. This procedure will enable Purdue University to prorate the fees assessed based upon the official date of withdrawal. You must be attending classes to remain eligible for federal financial aid. If you don't officially notify the Office of the Dean of Students of your withdrawal, you may be responsible for paying back all or part of your financial aid package.

If a student drops hours or withdraws from Purdue University the school and/or the student may be required to return federal funds awarded to the student. The student may also be eligible for a proration of fees assessed for the semester based upon the official date of withdrawal

Purdue University's Refund Policy:
Students who drop hours or withdraw from the university will receive a pro-rated assessment of tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

Prior to the first day of classes - 100% refund

(students will not be held responsible for payment of fees; all payments received are eligible for refund).

During the first two weeks of classes - 80% refund

(students will be held responsible for 20% of fees assessed for the semester; payments exceeding this assessment would be eligible for refund).

During the third and fourth weeks of classes - 60% refund

(students will be held responsible for 40% of fees assessed for the semester; payments exceeding this assessment would be eligible for refund).

During the fifth and sixth weeks of classes - 40% refund

(students will be held responsible for 60% of fees assessed for the semester; payments exceeding this assessment would be eligible for refund).

After the sixth week of class -  0% refund

(students will be held responsible for 100% of fees assessed for the semester.

Refunds are calculated on the non-resident tuition (if applicable) and the general service portion of the fees. The technology and repair and rehabilitation fees are non-refundable.

Return of Federal Title IV Funds
Purdue University's Refund Policy exists for calculating the refund of institutional charges. The federal "Return of Title IV Funds" Formula dictates the amount of Federal Title IV aid that must be returned to the federal government by the school and the student. The federal formula is applicable to a student receiving Title IV funds if that student withdraws on or before the 60% point in time in the semester. The student may also receive a refund of institutional charges through Purdue University's refund policy. The amount of refund of institutional charges will be the greater of the amount the school must return to federal Title IV programs or the amount determined by Purdue University's Refund Policy.

The federal formula requires a return of Title IV aid if the student received federal financial assistance in the form of a Pell Grant, ACG Grant, SMART Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Stafford loan or a PLUS loan and withdrew on or before completing 60% of the semester. The percentage of Title IV aid to be returned is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the semester divided by the number of calendar days in the semester. Scheduled breaks of five consecutive days or more are excluded.
After all Title IV aid return requirements have been satisfied, remaining credit balances will be used to pay existing outstanding fees, then repay Purdue University's funds, state funds, and other private sources. If a credit balance remains after all aid sources have been repaid, funds are returned to the student.

If funds are released to a student because of a credit balance on the student's account, then the student may be required to repay some of the Title IV funds if the student withdraws.

Please contact staff in the Bursar's Office in Hovde Hall Room 130 if you have any questions about refunds or the calculation of refund amounts.

Distribution Priority of Refunds & Repayment

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant Program
  6. ACG Grant Program
  7. SMART Grant Program
  8. Federal SEOG Program
  9. Other Title IV Aid
  10. Other Federal, State, Private, or Institutional Aid
  11. The Student

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