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   Open burning is generally prohibited in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District with the exception of seventeen (17) types of fires which are allowed by Regulation 5. Each allowable fire type may only be conducted during its permissive burn period. Most allowable fires are limited to Burn Days, as declared by the Air District. This map and the Open Burning Status table below indicate where burning is permitted for the day(s) shown (or call the 24-hour Burn Status Recording at (800) 792-0787 to hear this same information). For more information go to Open Burning.

· No burning will be allowed before 10:00 am.
· On permissive burn days, contact your local permit official before burning.

Open Burn Status
Sat 01-17-2009
The map below indicates burning status for the date shown.
No hatching indicates zones of permissive burn status.
Hatching shows zones of restricted or no burn status.
North No Burn
South No Burn
Coastal No Burn

New forecast information is available by 3 p.m.

When the Status table shows No Burn < 2K, burning is allowed only at sites above 2000 feet.

North Section: includes Napa County, the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin portion of Solano County, and that portion of Sonoma County within the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin and east of Highway 101.

South Section: includes Contra Costa, Alameda, and Santa Clara Counties.

Coastal Section: includes San Mateo, San Francisco, and Marin Counties, and that portion of the Sonoma County within the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin and west of Highway 101.

Sat 01-17-2009    
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