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Trade Adjustment Assistance in Illinois

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is a federal program established under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended.  The TAA program provides aid to workers who have become unemployed as a result of increased imports from, or shifts in production to, foreign countries. 

WIA Programs & Services
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) combines federally-funded job training programs in Illinois into a "workforce development" system where individuals can find a job or train for a new career.
Career Information (external link)
Illinois Career Resources Network has three helpful components.  The Illinois Career Information System (CIS) is available 24/7 on the Internet. It helps you decide on your career direction and examine current job openings. Use the wage data to negotiate your salary. Get hints and tips on job search and succeeding in your new job. Career Click shows occupations by title, education level and wages. Each has a list of skills that you can use in your resume. Countdown is an easy way for younger students to learn how your interests fit with nearly 300 occupations.
COBRA Benefits (external link)
This US Department of Labor website enables participants to better understand and exercise their rights under the law and, when possible, to recover any benefits to which they may be entitled. This also allows practitioners the opportunity to better understand and comply with the law.
Diversity Enrichment Program (external link)
Diversity Enrichment Program is a resource for all State agencies, boards and commissions to supplement their recruiting efforts and develop strategies for diversification. The Program is designed to encourage state agencies to employ members of minority groups, women, and/or persons with disabilities.
Illinois Employment & Training Centers (attachment)

This listing provides the locations of Illinois one-stop service centers, providing valuable workforce services to both Illinois workers and employers.

Illinois Kid Care (external link)
It's a state program that offers health care coverage to children, pregnant women and their babies or helps in paying premiums of employer or private health insurance plans.
Labor Market Information (external link)
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) has been designated by the Governor as the state's premier source for labor market information. This information includes employment statistics, job forecast, wages and demographic characteristics. IDES collects, analyzes and disseminates this data in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Employment and Training Administration (ETA).  The data help monitor and forecast national, statewide and local economic trends. They also help our customers, including employers and job seekers, make career, education and economic development decisions.
Job Training & Economic Development (external link)
The Job Training and Economic Development (JTED) Grant Program assists low-wage, low-skilled workers to advance in their careers, and helps unemployed, disadvantaged people learn skills necessary to secure employment.  The program provides grants to not-for-profit community-based organizations (CBOs), which work with small local businesses to develop curricula, train eligible workers, and provide ongoing support.  CBOs can establish a partnership with a local business to provide training to its low-wage workers, thereby expanding their skills and advancing their career opportunities.  In addition, CBOs can work with local economic development organizations and employers to identify local industries experiencing problems recruiting skilled entry-level workers, training economically disadvantaged individuals (including welfare recipients) in the needed skills and placing them in employment with these companies.
Search for Jobs on Illinois Skills Match (external link)
Illinois Skills Match System (ISM) is the first place Illinois-area employers come to find qualified job seekers and where job seekers come to find jobs.  Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ISM automatically selects and matches the best qualified job seekers with the most suitable employers.
Find a Certified Training Provider (external link)
The statewide list of WIA-certified training programs includes a variety of classroom, apprenticeship and Internet-based training offered by community colleges, public universities, labor unions, businesses, and other schools.  These programs are certified to provide education and training to adults and dislocated workers who have been awarded vouchers under the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
Unemployment Benefits (external link)
UI was created during the depression of the 1930's by the Social Security Act.  UI was designed both to alleviate personal hardship and stabilize the economy by providing insured workers with temporary and partial replacement of wages lost by involuntary unemployment.
Workers Guide To WARN (attachment)

This US DOL guide is intended to present a brief overview describing the principal provisions of the Federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, Public Law 100-379 (29 U.S.C. § 2101 et seq.).

©2005 Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity