EnergyNet Enrollment Form

The energy world is buzzing with a level of excitement not seen in decades. Prices for gasoline and natural gas have shocked consumers. The costs of our dependence on oil are hitting home. In the 2006 elections, energy security, affordability, and the environmental effects of energy policy were higher in voter’s minds' than ever before.

The issues are pressing. Fortunately, there are many possible solutions. Renewable energy has found new champions in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street. Farmers see themselves as growing fuel as well as food and fiber. The debate about climate change has shifted away from the science and toward the solutions. All these tributaries have swelled interest in generating clean, home-grown energy. But after all the slogans and visions, what, in practical terms, shall we do to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels and realize the promise of renewable energy?

EnergyNet provides readers with information, analysis, and leadership. We share practical solutions for growing the economy, reducing our emissions, generating clean energy, and creating good jobs.

On a regular basis, we share information, updates, and analysis with EnergyNet members about topics such as state energy policies, the financial gamble of building new coal-fired power plants, or the economic benefits of a national renewable portfolio standard.

And when it matters most, we alert EnergyNet members about opportunities to steer state and federal policy in the right direction—connecting you with the people currently making critical decisions affecting energy policy. We provide you with helpful talking points, and ways to make a personal appeal to decision-makers. EnergyNet members get the chance to make the call that can make the difference.

EnergyNet is for you if you are an energy activist, an energy expert, a landowner or farmer interested in installing a turbine or methane digester, or if you work on energy issues as a reporter, regulator, or advocate. Sign up today!



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