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Fire Company Fireworks Committee Co-chairmen Will Guenthner and Terry Ruff and Laurel School Superintendent Josh Middleton announced Monday that construction of the District’s new sports complex won’t mean an end for Laurel’s July 4 fireworks show. Outlook photo by Larry Tanglen

Laurel's famous fireworks show will go on

“The Fourth of July fireworks display is a go,” Fire Company Fireworks Co-chairman Terry Ruff said Monday afternoon after a meeting with Laurel School Superintendent Josh Middleton.

Ruff, Middleton and the other Fire Company Fireworks Co-chairman Will Guenthner, called the meeting Monday afternoon to dispel community fears that the Laurel Fire Department's hallmark fireworks display, long billed as the state's “biggest and best,” might be canceled this year.

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Tim Simonich scores an easy two against Billings West last Saturday. West came out on top 57-52. Outlook photo by Luke Wheeler
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Laurel boys beat Fergus, lose to West

The Locomotive boys basketball team split a pair of games this past weekend. On Friday, Jan. 2, Laurel traveled to Lewistown and came home with a 60-48 victory. Then on Saturday the Locomotives hosted AA powerhouse Billings West. West picked up a close 57-52 win. With the split Laurel now stands at 4-2 overall.

Laurel 60, Lewistown 48

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This Week's Newsmaker Headlines

Pic Sports Complex site
The press box/concession stand building is about all that remains in the Laurel High School football field. The school in Lame Deer bought the seats that were in the field and the Savage school bought the lights and poles. The items were torn down to make way for the new sports complex.

Blood donors needed
United Blood Services issued an urgent appeal for blood donors Monday morning. Type O negative is the most critically needed, however all blood types are being asked for at this time according to the appeal.

Pic Frigid temps continue to delay work
Cold weather continues to delay the replacement of lids on the City's water intake in the Yellowstone River. Floating ice in the river presents a safety hazards for the divers that need to be in the water to attach the lids to the water inlet.

City prepares for Water Treatment Plant improvements
Project managers from Dick Anderson Construction will meet with city officials, Tuesday, Jan. 20, for a preconstruction conference before beginning work on Phase One improvements at the Laurel Water Treatment Plant.


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