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Tuesday, September 01 2009 @ 05:46 AM MDT

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Comments sought on 58,000-acre Cedar-Thom proposal

by Boyd Hartwig

The Superior Ranger District is reminding the public to submit comments on the Cedar-Thom proposal shortly after the Labor Day weekend.

"Cedar-Thom" is a proposal for a landscape-level project in an area of 58,000 acres in the Cedar Creek and Thompson Creek drainages southwest of Superior. The proposal would focus on five specific resource areas: forest vegetation restoration, fuels reduction, wildlife habitat improvement, aquatic restoration, and recreation enhancement.

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Community Briefs for September 2009

FeaturesTwo persons are needed immediately to fill unexpired terms on the Lolo Community Council until special elections in 2010 and 2012. The Lolo Community Council acts as a liaison between the citizens of Lolo and the Missoula County Commissioners, providing information deemed useful, beneficial and helpful in making decisions which affect the Lolo community. Applications and information are available at (go to County Commissioners / Forms). The deadline is noon Friday, September 18. For more, call 258-3432 or 258-4877.

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Missoula County declares 'high' fire danger

by Cynthia Super

Fire officials with the Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) moved the fire danger on Monday to “High” due primarily to a combination of warmer and drier temperatures over the past couple weeks.

“We had some rain yesterday but it was not wide-spread enough to bring fuel moistures down so we could stay in Moderate” said Frank Maradeo, chairman of the MCFPA.

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Power outage affects 2,000 near Alberton

by Parris ja Young

Sunday night about 9:15 the lights in the Alberton area flickered, blinked, then continued about half power. Lights returned to full power with a half-hour. About 10:45 the lights completely failed.
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Rehberg recovering from boating accident; will reschedule Superior session

Rep. Denny Rehberg will reschedule a listening session that was planned for Superior. The session was postponed following a boating accident on Flathead Lake Friday night that left Rehberg with a broken left ankle and broken left eye socket.
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Panthers score three TDs against Granite

Sportsby Parris ja Young

Alberton took an early lead and scored three touchdowns against perennial powerhouse Granite, with Matt Foley leading the Panthers on the ground with 85 yards and a touchdown. But the Prospectors pulled away in the second half to win the season opener by a score of 68-20.

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Military News: Preslee M. Maki

Preslee M. Maki has entered Basic Cadet Training at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo., in preparation to enter the first academic year at the academy. The six-week, two-phased orientation program must be successfully completed by the cadets prior to entering their freshman year. The training prepares men and women to meet the rigorous mental and physical challenges experienced by new cadets.

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The (no) politics of Canadian health care history

Opinionby Jim Elliott

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once called the individual American states the “Laboratories of Democracy”. Changes in government policy do not come about because a light bulb went off in some Federal bureaucrat’s head; they begin much further down the food chain and occur because there is both a need and a group of citizens who have the gumption to get things done. What is now known as Social Security in America had its origins in various organizations such as “Townsend Clubs”, but its legislative success was due to the efforts of the Fraternal Order of Eagles who shopped their old age pension plan around to the various state legislatures in the 1920s. It was introduced in many legislatures, but the first successful Old Age Pension Act was signed into law in Montana in 1923 by Republican governor Joseph Dixon. In 1935 the federal Social Security Act established a national program and Montana’s Old Age Pension Act was no longer needed.

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A simple solution

Letters to the editorTo the editor:

Too simple perhaps, but my first thought after reading about the recent robbery of the Bailey's store was that perhaps $5,000 of cash and valuables should be kept in a bank.
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Rehberg in Superior Sept. 2

Editor's Note: This session has been postponed. Please see . ]

Rep. Denny Rehberg will be in Superior on Wednesday Sept. 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the courthouse.