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This is one of many vehicles around town that needed a little help to get out Saturday. Photo by Paul Overlie


Hi-Line gets 15 inches of snow in less than 24 hours
The Hi-Line was hit with a major winter storm that dropped around 15 inches of snow and left most streets, including major portions of Highway 2, unusable. Highway 2 was closed from the Marias Pass to Malta most of Friday and work began Friday evening to dig Chester and the other area towns out of the snow. The snow was accompanied by a cold front that dropped overnight lows to -34 Saturday night, making the dig out that much tougher.

Message from the CommissionersÅ 
We have had SNOW! We are dealing with it. We want to thank everyone for your patience and especially those of you who assisted in the removal work. It has been a big help, particularly those volunteers in Joplin with your 4-wheelers & loaders who moved snow from the driveways. Also thanks to you country folks who dealt with those many isolated drifts to keep the roads open. If you see any additional problems, please call Shawn 759-5623, Russ 292-3524, Larry 292-3672, or Rlynn 759-5630.

Rocks and Porter are LMC Employee Stars
Rhonda Rocks and Mike Porter have been awarded the Employee Star at Liberty Medical Center.

Assorted Public Health Information
Having digressed last week to discuss birds in this area, the writer feels constrained to get back on track and provide some current health information. A select committee consisting of nationally recognized experts on immunization practices, who advises the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control, has made a strong recommendation. They say all smokers (people who now smoke and once used to smoke) should be vaccinated with 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. This vaccine is available locally at the public health office. The reason for this recommendation is because a very recent study has shown that 56% of all pneumonia in adults occurs in smokers. When one considers that only about 25% of the population is smokers, it is evident that this segment of society is at the greatest risk of serious lung infection.

Liberty Medical Center board given report on financial improvements at the facility
Ms. Meissner and Julie Siemens, Auditor, have completed their work on the FY08 audit. The Finance Committee proposes that the financial presentation with the Eide Bailly auditors be done via telephone at the January Board meeting. The Board was in agreement with this.

How to Score With Your Big Game Day Party
(ARA) - Planning a party for the big game day shouldn't be stressful. The atmosphere is casual and the attire is simple (your favorite team jersey); so it's a party you can sit back, relax and enjoy. A little creativity and planning ahead will ensure your gathering is a success.

Eat Breakfast and Lose Weight
(ARA) - Whether you're skipping breakfast to save on calories or running out the door in a rush with only a cup of coffee in hand, you're not doing yourself or your health any favors. Numerous studies have shown that eating breakfast can help people lose weight while promoting heart health, cognitive performance and increased energy.

Easy Tips for Throwing an Eco-friendly Celebration
(ARA) - Planning a celebration for an upcoming holiday, a birthday party or a baby shower? Please your guests and the planet by taking part in the latest party planning trend -- eco-friendly parties and events.

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