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Below are notices relating to Asset Management. See the PIH Notices page for a complete list of all PIH notices.


PIH 2007-28 (HA)Issued: Aug. 27, 2007 Expires: Aug. 31, 2008

This notice provides guidance and instructions to public housing agencies (PHAs) related to: (1) changes in the project numbering system for public housing; and (2) requests from PHAs to make changes in project identifications.

PIH 2007-21 (HA)Issued: July 23, 2007 Expires: July 31, 2008

This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) with instructions for the submission of Calendar Year (CY) 2008 operating subsidy calculations, funded from FFY 2008 appropriations.

PIH 2007-16Issued: June 18, 2007
Expires:July 31, 2008;
This notice provides information for public housing agencies (PHAs) that wish to submit documentation of successful conversion to asset management in order to discontinue their reduction in operating subsidy under the Operating Fund Program regulations (24 CFR part 990), commonly referred to as the “stop-loss” provision. This notice applies only to PHAs that: (1) lose funding under the new formula; and (2) wish to submit documentation in accordance with the requirements for Year 1 and Year 2.[...]
PIH 2007-15 (HA)Issued: June 20, 2007
Expires: June 30, 2008
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Department) has encouraged the formation of new and innovative public and private partnerships to ensure long-term sustainability of public housing developments and the leveraging of public and private resources to transform communities. Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) continue to form and expand their relationships with private partners, including partnerships with entities related to the PHA.[...]
PIH 2007-9 (HA)
 -   Related Supplement
 -   Responses to Public Comments April 2007
Issued: April 10, 2007 Expires: April 30, 2008

Updated Changes in Financial Management and Reporting Requirements for Public Housing Agencies Under the New Operating Fund Rule (24 CFR part 990)

PIH 2007-7Issued: March 13, 2007 Expires: March 31, 2008

This notice provides guidance to public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices on the grounds for appeals and the procedures for submitting appeals under the final rule.

PIH 2006-35 (HA)Issued: Sep. 25, 2006
Expires: Sep. 30, 2007
This notice amends PIH notice, PIH 2006-14 (HA), issued, March 22, 2006, to extend the application submission deadline to qualify for the first stop-loss deadline to April 15, 2007. As provided in PIH 2006-14, stop-loss applies only to PHAs that: (1) lose funding under the new Operating Fund formula; and (2) wish to submit documentation in accordance with the requirements for the first stop-loss deadline of October 1, 2006, so they may limit their losses to 5 percent.
Federal Register Guidance on Implementation of Asset Management [FR-5099-N-01]

Published: Sep. 6, 2006

This notice clarifies and provides interim guidance pertaining to various aspects of public housing’s conversion to asset management. The interim guidance provided in this notice is intended to assist all PHAs that operate public housing.
PIH 2006-33 (HA)

 -   Related Supplement
Issued: Sep. 6, 2006
Expires: Sep. 30, 2007
This notice transmits changes in financial management and reporting requirements for public housing agencies (PHAs) pursuant to the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule (hereafter referred to as the "final rule") published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). The final rule replaces the interim rule that was published on March 29, 2001.
PIH 2006-30 (HA)Issued: August 17, 2006
Expires: August 31, 2007
This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) with instructions for submitting their Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2007 operating subsidy forms under the new operating fund formula pursuant to the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule (hereafter referred to as the “final rule”) published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). The final rule replaces the interim rule that was published on March 29, 2001.
Federal Register Transition Funding and Guidance Notice

Published: April 5, 2006

Operating Fund Program; Transition Funding and Guidance on Demonstration of Successful Conversion to Asset Management to Discontinue the Reduction of Operating Subsidy
PIH 2006-14 (HA)

Issued: March 22, 2006
Expires: March 31, 2007

This notice provides information for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) regarding the calculation of transition funding under the Operating Fund Program final rule. It also provides instructions to PHAs that wish to submit documentation of successful conversion to asset management in order to discontinue their reduction in operating subsidy under the Operating Fund Program final rule, commonly referred to as the "stop-loss" provision. [...]
PIH 2006-10 (HA)Issued: Feb. 3, 2006
Expires: Feb. 28, 2007
This notice provides guidance and related instructions to public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices regarding the identification of projects for purposes of asset management (subpart H of the final rule, OMB approval number 2577-0029, expires October 31, 2008) under the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program (the final rule), published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983). PHAs have until April 21, 2006, to submit their project identifications. The Department encourages PHAs to begin now to plan for these asset management requirements.
PIH 2006-6 (HA)
Issued: Feb. 1, 2006 Expires: Feb. 28, 2007

This Notice provides guidance on subtitle D - Public Housing, Section 151 (2) (B) of the recently enacted Energy Policy Act of 2005 (PL 109-58). This guidance is in accordance with the Public Housing Operating Fund Program final rule in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983) and the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program; Corrections to Formula Implementation Date Notice (Correction Notice) published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2005 (70 FR 61366).

This is a correction to the Notice published January 19, 2006. Until such time as the regulation may be changed, the period for freezing the rolling base is limited to 12 years. Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) wishing to enter into contracts exceeding 12 years but not to exceed 20 years may request a waiver of the regulation.

Federal Register Coefficient Notice with 3 appendicesEffective date: Jan. 27, 2006Variable Coefficients for Public Housing Operating Fund Project Expense Levels

PIH 2005-35 (HA)
 -   Appendix 1
 -   Appendix 2
 -   Appendix 3
 -   Appendix 4

Issued: 11/15/05
Expires: 11/30/06

This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) with information needed to complete their FFY 2006 operating subsidy forms. It includes a schedule for the submission of certain items to HUD, local inflation factors, data needed for the recalculation of the formula expense level, and other special notes related to the operating subsidy forms and processing.

PIH 2005-34 (HA)Issued: 11/02/05
Expires: 11/30/06

This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices with initial implementation guidance regarding the Public Housing Operating Fund Program final rule, published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983) and the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program; Correction to Formula Implementation Date notice (Correction Notice) published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2005 (70 FR 61366).

This notice is for informational purposes only. It informs PHAs of various upcoming notices and other activities tied to the implementation of the final rule. No action is required on the part of PHAs at this time.

PIH 2005-31 (HA)Issued: 08/22/05
Expires: 08/31/06
This notice informs public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices of the procedures HUD will initially use to determine and obligate operating subsidy for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2006 considering two major impacts on the Operating Fund Program:
 -   The calendar year transition in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 (Public Law 108-447); and
 -   The pending publication of a new operating fund rule.
PIH 2005-27 (HA)Issued: 07/12/05
Expires: 07/31/06
This notice provides public housing agencies (PHAs) and field offices with guidance necessary to understand the calculation of Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2005 operating subsidy in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 (Public Law 108-447).

PIH 2004-14 (HA)

Related attachments:
 -   Appendix 1
 -   Appendix 2
 -   Appendix 3
 -   Appendix 4

Issued: 08/09/04
Expires: 08/31/05

This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with information needed to complete their FFY 2005 operating budgets and subsidy eligibility calculations. It includes a schedule for the submission of certain items to HUD, as well as local inflation factors, data needed for the recalculation of the Formula Expense Level, and other special notes related to the operating subsidy calculation and processing. Following a review of the submitted material, HUD will determine funding levels. The amount obligated by HUD will be available for electronic Line of Credit Control System (eLOCCS) drawdown.

PIH 2004-9 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)

Issued: 05/25/04
Expires: 05/31/05

This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with the final proration factor for FFY 2003. It also identifies and clarifies some miscellaneous processing issues for FFY 2004, such as initial funding level, obligating documents for the Operating Fund, requirements pertaining to the Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator Program, the disablement of the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) Voice Response System (VRS), treatment of utility and other non-processed adjustments, and processing for new and deprogrammed units.

PIH 2003-27 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 10/24/03
Expires: 10/31/04

This Notice provides guidance on the circumstances under which public housing agencies (PHAs) are required to disclose information they maintain on recipients of assistance to law enforcement authorities. The Notice also discusses what is required of the PHA and what is required of the law enforcement agency.

PIH 2003-22 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Related attachments:
 -   Appendices 1-2 (Adobe PDF, 7 pages)
 -   Appendices 3-4 (Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 09/11/03
Expires: 09/30/04

This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with information needed to complete their FFY 2004 operating budgets and subsidy eligibility calculations. It includes a schedule for the submission of certain items to HUD, as well as local inflation factors, data needed for the recalculation of the Formula Expense Level, and other special notes related to the Operating Subsidy calculation and processing. Following review of the submitted material, HUD will determine funding levels. The amount obligated by HUD will be scheduled for eLOCCS drawdown.

PIH 2003-18 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 07/28/03
Expires: 07/31/04

This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with additional information needed to complete the FFY 2003 subsidy eligibility calculations. It includes updated instructions to historical revision and adjustment policies. Additionally, this Notice updates the proration factor.

PIH 2003-1 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)

Related attachment:

 -   Appendices
(Adobe PDF, 11 pages)
Issued: 01/06/03
Expires: 01/05/04

This Notice provides Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) with information needed to complete their FFY 2003 operating subsidy eligibility requests to HUD. The information includes local inflation factors, data needed for the recalculation of the Formula Expense Level, and other special notes related to the operating subsidy calculation.

PIH 2002-28 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Issued: 12/24/02
Expires: Indefinite

This Notice informs Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that, effective December 30, 2002, HUD will require the use of eLOCCS to request the payment of operating subsidy funds. This new process will eliminate form HUD-52721, Direct Disbursement Payment Schedule Data.

PIH 2002-8 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 03/27/02
Expires: 03/31/03
Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2002 Proration Factor, Dwelling Rental Adjustment Factor, and Other Special Notes
PIH 2002-5 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 12 pages)
Issued: 03/06/02
Expires: 03/31/03
FY 2002 Operating Fund Local Inflation Factors, Formula Expense Level Equation Multipliers, and Related Tables.
PIH 2001-36 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 10/22/01
Expires: 08/31/02
Submission of Operating Subsidy Eligibility Requests
PIH 2001-32 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Issued: 08/24/01
Expires: 08/31/02
Submission of Operating Subsidy Eligibility Requests for FY 2001, Proration Factor, and Other Special Notes
PIH 2001-28 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 15 pages)
Issued: 08/07/01
Expires: 08/31/02
FY 2001 Operating Fund Local Inflation Factors, Formula Expense Level Equation Multipliers, and Related Tables
PIH 2001-25 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Issued: 07/23/01
Expires: 07/31/02
Coordination of HUD Database Changes Due to Public Housing Agency Organizational Changes Or Change in Fiscal Year End
PIH 2001-20 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 7 pages)
Issued: 06/21/01
Expires: 06/30/02
Submission and Processing of PHA Applications in Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 for Housing Choice Vouchers for Relocation or Replacement Housing Related to Demolition or Disposition (Including HOPE VI), and Plans for Removal (Mandatory Conversion) of Public Housing Units Under Section 33 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, As Amended.

Notice PIH 96-33 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 20 pages)

Issued: 06/04/96
Expires: 06/30/97

Required HA Cash Management and Investment Policies and Procedures.
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