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 -   ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty
 -   AIDS Action Council
 -   AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth, and Families
 -   Affordable Housing Industry Information
 -   Affordable Housing.com
 -   American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
 -   American Association of People with Disabilities
 -   American Association of Retired Persons
 -   American Consulting Engineers Council
 -   American Economic Development Council
 -   American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
 -   American Foundation for AIDS Research
 -   American Institute of Architects
 -   American Jewish Congress
 -   American Land Title Association
 -   American Legislative Exchange Council
 -   American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
 -   American Society of Civil Engineers
 -   America's Community Bankers
 -   Appalachian Regional Commission
 -   Appraisal Institute
 -   ASPIRA Association, Inc.
 -   Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
 -   Association of Construction Inspectors

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 -   B'nai B'rith
 -   The Brookings Institution
 -   Building and Construction Trades Department
 -   Building Officials and Code Administrators
 -   Building Owners and Managers Association

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 -   Capital Research Center
 -   Catholic Charities USA
 -   The Carter Center
 -   Cato Institute
 -   Center for Community Change
 -   Center for Community Economic Development
 -   The Center for Livable Communities
 -   Center for Neighborhood Technology
 -   Center for Policy Alternatives
 -   Center for Urban Community Services, Inc
 -   Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
 -   Citizen's Housing and Planning Association
 -   Coalition of Community Development Financial Institutions
 -   Committee for Economic Development
 -   Community Connections
 -   Community Development Banking
 -   Community Reinvestment Fund
 -   Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
 -   Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
 -   Corporation for National & Community Service
 -   Council for Affordable and Rural Housing
 -   Council for Excellence in Government
 -   Council of Large Public Housing Authorities/CLPHA
 -   Council of State Community Development Agencies
 -   Council of State Governments
 -   Council on Foundations

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 -   Economic Policy Institute
 -   The Enterprise Foundation

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 -   Fair Housing Network of Greater Washington
 -   Fannie Mae
 -   Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
 -   Federal Home Loan Bank System
 -   Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
 -   Federal Housing Finance Board
 -   Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors
 -   The Foundation Center
 -   Freddie Mac

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 -   Great Lakes Commission

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 -   Habitat for Humanity International
 -   The Heritage Foundation
 -   Housing Assistance Council
 -   Housing Inspection Foundation
 -   Hudson Institute

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 -   Innovative Housing Institute
 -   Institute for Policy Studies
 -   Institute of Real Estate Management
 -   The Interfaith Alliance
 -   International Code Council
 -   International Real Estate Institute

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 -   Joint Center for Housing Studies
 -   Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

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 -   League of United Latin American Citizens
 -   Local Initiatives Support Corporation
 -   Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse

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 -   Manufactured Housing Institute
 -   Mexican-American Legal Defense & Educational Fund
 -   Midwestern Governors' Conference
 -   Mortgage Bankers Association
 -   Mortgage Insurance Companies of America

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 -   National Affordable Housing Management Association
 -   National Affordable Housing Network
 -   National AIDS Housing Coalition
 -   National Alliance to End Homelessness
 -   National American Indian Housing Council
 -   National Apartment Association
 -   National Association of Counties
 -   National Association of County Community and Economic Development
 -   National Association of Development Organizations
 -   National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP)
 -   National Association of Home Builders
 -   National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)
 -   National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers
 -   National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
 -   National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies
 -   National Association of Mortgage Brokers
 -   National Association of Mortgage Planners
 -   National Association of Real Estate Appraisers
 -   National Association of Independent Real Estate Brokers
 -   National Association of Realtors
 -   National Association of Regional Councils
 -   National Association of Residential Property Managers
 -   National Association of Review Appraisers & Mortgage Underwriters
 -   National Association of State Budget Officers
 -   National Association of Towns and Townships (NATaT)
 -   National Center for Homeless Education
 -   National Center for Housing Management
 -   National Civic League
 -   National Clearinghouse for Families & Youth
 -   National Coalition for the Homeless
 -   National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
 -   The National Community Building Network
 -   National Community Capital
 -   National Community Development Association
 -   National Community Reinvestment Coalition
 -   National Conference of Black Mayors
 -   National Conference of Lieutenant Governors
 -   National Conference of State Legislatures
 -   National Conference of States on Building Code Standards
 -   National Congress for Community Economic Development
 -   National Congress of American Indians
 -   National Cooperative Bank
 -   National Council for Urban Economic Development
 -   National Council of La Raza
 -   National Council of State Housing Agencies
 -   National Council on the Aging
 -   National Fair Housing
 -   National Fair Housing Alliance
 -   National Foundation of Manufactured Home Owners
 -   National Governors' Association
 -   National Health Care for the Homeless Council
 -   National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
 -   National Housing Conference
 -   National Housing Institute
 -   National Housing Trust
 -   National Interfaith Hospitality Network
 -   National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
 -   National League of Cities
 -   National Leased Housing Association
 -   National Legal Center for the Public Interest
 -   National Low Income Housing Coalition
 -   National Multi Housing Council
 -   National Partnership for Transportation & Livable Communities
 -   National Renovation Lenders Association
 -   National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness
 -   National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association
 -   National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness
 -   National Trust for Historic Preservation
 -   National Urban League
 -   NeighborWorks Network
 -   Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

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 -   Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments

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 -   Partners for Livable Communities
 -   Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH)
 -   The Points of Light Foundation
 -   The Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED)
 -   Public Housing Authorities Directors Association

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 -   Real Estate Services Providers Council (RESPRO)
 -   Rural LISC

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 -   Senior Information Network
 -   Sierra Club
 -   Smart Growth Network
 -   The Social Compact
 -   Southern Governors' Association
 -   SPRY Foundation
 -   The Sustainable Communities Network

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 -   Tenant Net
 -   Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
 -   Trust for Public Land

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 -   United Homeowners Association
 -   U.S. Chamber of Commerce
 -   U.S. Conference of Mayors
 -   USDA Rural Housing Service
 -   Urban Institute
 -   The Urban Land Institute

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 -   Western Governors' Association
 -   Western States Land Commissioners Association
 -   W. K. Kellogg Collection of Rural Community Development Resources

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 -   Youthbuild

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Content current as of 19 September 2007   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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