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(410) 528-8662
1 (888) 743-0023 toll-free

Medical Billing/Health Insurance Problems:
1-877-261-8807 toll-free


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Consumer Protection Division

The Consumer Protection Division provides mediation services to consumers to help resolve complaints against businesses and health insurance carriers. The Division can also provide information about complaints that have been filed against businesses, tell you if your new home builder or health club is properly registered and provide publications to help you make good decisions in the marketplace.

arrow bullet File a Consumer Complaint arrow bullet Consumer Tips and Publications
arrow bullet About Mediation and Arbitration arrow bullet Foreclosure Counseling Services Law  
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Tips on Choosing an Electricity Supplier

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Health Club Information

arrow bullet Find Our Office Nearest You arrow bullet Helpful Consumer Links
arrow bullet Volunteer/Internship Opportunities arrow bullet Consumer Recalls
arrow bullet Consumer Protection News Releases arrow bullet Vehicle Protection Product Warranty Registration Program
arrow bullet Identity Theft arrow bullet Bank of America Settlement
arrow bullet Kosher and Halal Food Products arrow bullet

Home Builder Information

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Attorney General of Maryland 1 (888) 743-0023 toll-free / TDD: (410) 576-6372
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