EDUCATION | Driving tomorrow’s achievements

08 December 2008

My Job Became My Friend

Joel at piano, singing (AP Images)
Billy Joel sang the national anthem at the 2007 Super Bowl, one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

Billy Joel spoke at Southhampton College, Long Island University, in 2000. A classically trained musician with decades of hit recordings, he is enrolled in the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (Excerpt used with permission.)

I congratulate you all for staying with your academic pursuits. I couldn’t do it. And now I wish I had studied more myself. It would help me in my own musical efforts these days. I’m asked often why am I changing, why am I doing different kinds of music. To quote from Bob Dylan in a song called “It’s Alright Ma”: “He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.” And that’s why I’m doing it.

I am only certain of one thing in my life. I knew what I loved to do, and I did what I loved to do. And at this point in my life I’m still loving what I do. I never did it to make a lot of money. I did it to make a living. And in doing so, I made a life. I guess what I’m saying here is that my job became my friend, my fortune, and my great love. And that no matter what lofty personal goals I set for myself, life came along and whacked me upside the head and sent me in directions I never intended to go. But I learned to adjust. I used the survival lessons as substance for future material. To borrow another great line from Bernie Taupin and my good friend Elton John: “I’m still standing.” And I’m still standing here on Long Island where I came from in the first place.

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