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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Management Internship Program Structure

Management Internship Program - Program Structure


'5 steps to success …


For Interns'

1.  Thinking skills

  • Interns are quick learners who can gather and absorb new information quickly and effectively.
  • Interns use information appropriately to provide thorough analysis and balanced recommendations.
  • Interns solve problems and present a series of options based on thorough research, good knowledge and judgment.

2.  Communication skills

  • Interns communicate well in writing for a number of audiences.
  • Interns demonstrate good oral communication skills - in formal and informal presentations, in meetings, and in general.

3.  Relationship skills

  • As a part of a team, interns are sensitive to a wide variety of perspectives on issues and are able to build consensus, facilitate good working relationships and effectively manage conflict.
  • Interns are able to accept responsibility for their own actions, to act with integrity, to be aware of and sensitive to the corporate culture of their assignment location. This will demonstrate a balance between adaptability and commitment to the interns' own values.

4.  Results skills

  • Interns conceptualize, develop, plan, implement and evaluate specific tasks/projects, with acceptable results, on time, and within budget, using resources appropriately.
  • Interns are able to shift course in mid stream if necessary, and can juggle several priorities, while keeping an eye on the results required.

5.  Leadership skills

  • Interns display initiative and take appropriate risks, are focused towards customer service and display clear values.

The Management Internship Program

  • The Management Internship Program (MIP) is designed to recruit well trained, knowledgeable individuals who could, with appropriate experience and training, aspire to a responsible position.

  • Individuals who apply for MIP undergo a rigorous process which is designed to assess potential for future leadership positions in the Civil Service.
  • Interns are chosen because of their theoretical and practical understanding of government. They have demonstrated that their experience applies to public sector work.
  • The program looks for interns with excellent communications, relationship and leadership skills.
  • The Management Internship Program relies on rotational assignments to facilitate a positive exposure to the daily operation of government. MIP also assists the department to meet operational needs.
  • The rotational assignments can be in areas such as Executive Council, Finance, Treasury Board, Civil Service Commission as well as line departments.
  • During the course of the three-year program, interns are expected to be 'quick learners', to use information appropriately, to provide thorough analysis, balanced recommendations and to solve problems.
  • During each of the assignments, the interns are evaluated twice, unless circumstances indicate a greater need. Interns will receive regular and ongoing feedback and will have access to a mentor.
  • Interns take an active role in managing their careers.
  • At the end of their participation in the MIP program, interns will be eligible to apply for managerial and professional positions with the Civil Service.

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During the course of the Management Internship Program, interns will receive various assignments within the Civil Service.

The purpose of these assignments is to:

  • provide on the job experience
  • provide exposure to day to day operation of government
  • provide an opportunity for interns to demonstrate their various skills
  • provide interns with the opportunity to have a well-documented portfolio at the end of their assignment.

Interns will have access to ongoing Training and Development opportunities. They will be trained in core competencies required of a 21st century manager.

These opportunities will be focused on providing the interns with a corporate viewpoint.

The outcome of these opportunities will be well-rounded managers, who are flexible, adaptable and willing to pursue an ongoing professional development which will contribute to a learning culture in the Civil Service.

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Throughout the duration of their internship, interns will have access to individuals who have expressed an interest in mentoring. As such, these mentors have a specific role:

  • As communicators, they create an environment for open interaction.
  • As counsellors, they work with interns to identify and understand career-related skills, interests and values.
  • As coaches, mentors recommend specific behaviours in which interns need improvement and they clarify and communicate organizational goals and objectives.
  • As advisors, mentors recommend training and development opportunities from which interns could benefit and appropriate strategies for career direction.
  • As resource persons, mentors expand the interns' network of professional contacts.
  • As advocates, mentors may intervene on the interns' behalf, representing the interns' concerns to higher levels for resolution on specific issues.


Civil Service Commission
935 - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3H8

Phone: (204) 945-2332
Fax: (204) 945-1486

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