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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

New Professionals Network


The first New Professionals Day was held on October 4, 2005. This event brought together new professionals to share experiences and discuss their role in supporting the government's direction and priorities. Participants included all current and graduate interns from the Civil Service Commission's various internship programs, members of the Career Assistance Programs, and other new professionals identified by departments. The day was a successful step toward building a network of new professionals in the Manitoba Civil Service.

As a result of this event, the New Professionals Networks was formed and will be sustained by a group of volunteers in government who are currently planning several events for the upcoming year of which we hope will be of interest to all new professionals.

In consideration of our diverse workforce across the province we will be exploring opportunities to offer events and activities in rural and northern locations in addition to the capital city area of Winnipeg.

NPN Annual Report 2007-08.pdf

NPN Strategic Plan 2008-09.pdf