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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Career Assistance for Members of Visible Minorities and Immigrants


The Civil Service Commission's (CSC) Diversity and Employment Equity Policy supports a renewed approach to achieving a workforce that is more reflective of the population served and maintaining an environment that supports and values diversity in the workplace. One component of this initiative is a more directed focus to increasing the representation of members of visible minorities in the provincial civil service. This strategy involves:

  • Informing, supporting and promoting diversity in the workplace
  • Developing strategies to increase the representation of members of visible minorities in the workplace
  • Managing retention
  • Ensuring sustainability of the program
  • Collaboration

Developing strategies to increase the representation of members of visible minorities in the workplace

The Civil Service Commission works with Departments to develop strategies to increase the representation of visible minorities within their workplaces. Under the Employment Equity Policy, qualified members of the visible minority community are eligible to receive special consideration in competitions for government positions. Other initiatives are in place to support increasing access to employment and development opportunities in government such as:

Career Gateway Program for Members of Visible Minorities

This program is committed to supporting the government Diversity and Employment Equity initiative by increasing access to employment opportunities for members of visible minorities. The Career Gateway Program recruits members of visible minorities for term placements in positions where there will be an upcoming recruitment need. Successful candidates receive support for career development and training (more..)

Volunteer Work-Experience Placements

Volunteer opportunities in government for visible minorities and immigrants, are available to individuals interested in career-related volunteer placement in the civil service. Short-term placements are supported by Departments and can be of benefit to both the volunteer and employer. (more..)

Other volunteer programs in government can be found on the MB4Youth website.


This program seeks to have a collaborative approach with the community through outreach to educational institutions, employment centres, organizations and agencies representing ethnocultural groups in Manitoba, and particularly visible minorities and immigrants.

Employment Opportunity Notices are sent through the Civil Service Commission's Fax Gateway to many organizations that represent the visible minority and immigrant communities of Manitoba. These organizations promote these opportunities among their client base.

The Civil Service Commission attends career fairs on an ongoing basis to promote Diversity and Equity programs, and provides career information to organizations to share with the clients they serve.

For more information on the program contact:

Career Assistance for Members of Visible Minorities and Immigrants
Program Co-ordinator
Human Resource Programs
Civil Service Commission
935-155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3H8

Phone: (204) 945-2332
Fax: (204) 945-1486


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