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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Feedback and For More Information

Jobs and Competitions

If you have questions about applying for positions within the Government of Manitoba or about a job you see on our site, you can find more information on our Frequently Asked Questions page or by contacting the appropriate Human Resources office listed at the bottom of each job bulletin.

Feedback on our Website

If you would like to report an error or provide feedback on our website, please email

The Civil Service Commission

If you have questions about the Civil Service Commission, or employment policies or practices of the Manitoba civil service including employment equity, development programs, governing legislation or other information not found on our website, please use the form below. We will respond to your question within 10 business days.

The following personal information is being collected under the authority of the Archives and Recordkeeping Act, and will be used to answer your request for information. Any information collected is protected by the Protection of Privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, contact

If you are using a browser that does not accept forms, please e-mail your comments to us at:

Your Name:  

Your E-Mail Address:  

Your Question: