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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Types of Employment

Regular Employee

A regular employee is an employee who carries out and occupies a continuing function in a departmental program and who has all the rights and privileges of permanent status.

Temporary Employee

An employee who is employed for assignment on a temporary basis. Also called a "term employee".

Technical Employee

Technical employee refers to Deputy Ministers, the Clerk of the Executive Council, The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, and other officers appointed at the pleasure of the lieutenant governor under Section 32 of The Civil Service Act.

Casual Employee

An employee who is employed on an as, if, and when needed basis to perform work of a non-recurring nature or in an emergency.

Contract Employee

Contract employment is used ONLY when:

  • a special knowledge or expertise is required but not available within the civil service
  • objectivity is of particular importance
  • the work is of a temporary non-recurring and specialized nature.

Terms and conditions are prescribed in a contract approved by the Civil Service Commission and Treasury Board.

Departmental Employee

Departmental employee means a person employed by Manitoba Transportation and Government Services or Manitoba Conservation whose appointment is made to a departmental employee classification contained within the Trades and Physical Sciences components of the Government Employees' Master Agreement. The work is normally of a seasonal, full or part-time nature.