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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Mentoring Q & A

Q:  What are the characteristics of a good mentoring relationship?

A:  Trust, respect and mutual benefit, reciprocal responsibilities.

Q:  What are the benefits of Mentoring?

AFor the organization:

  • effective method of shortening the learning curve
  • more knowledgeable employees with broader perspectives
  • a visible commitment to developing and retaining leaders
  • improved communications and a stronger organization through the transfer of its vision, goals and values to the next generation of potential leaders / professionals in the workplace.

For the Mentor:

  • personal satisfaction in helping an aspiring intern
  • opportunity to gain a different perspective on work related areas
  • expansion of contacts within the organization
  • opportunity to give something back to the organization

For the Intern

  • assistance with personal skill development and career planning
  • understanding organizational values and systems
  • opportunity to develop a networking system
  • exposure to decision-making and leadership style of more senior managers
  • access to organizational knowledge