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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Frequently Asked Questions

Employment Opportunities
Contact Information
Human Resources
Employment Equity
Course Information

Employment Opportunities

Q:  How can I get a list of jobs available with the Government of Manitoba?

Go to Employment Opportunities on the Internet,  or phone ACCESS 1-2-3 (204) 984-4636 or Manitoba Toll Free  1-800-878-3544

Q:  How often are your job postings updated?

Job postings are updated once a week, normally on Wednesdays.

Q:  How can I get job information if I am visually impaired?  hearing impaired?

If visually impaired, phone ACCESS 1-2-3 at (204) 984-4636 or Manitoba Toll Free 1-800-878-3544 for list of current government job opportunities.

If hearing impaired, phone TDD at (204) 945-1437 or use the Government of Manitoba web site and see Employment Opportunities.

Q:  How do I apply for a job?

Send your resume directly by mail or fax to the department address listed in the competition and refer to the Advertisement Number listed in the employment notice.

Or contact At Your Service Manitoba or phone (204) 945-3744 and ask for the phone number of the Human Resources branch of the Department to which you are applying as noted in the employment opportunity.

Or go to the  Government Contact List to get the numbers for the appropriate Department.

Q:  What does it mean when the job listing refers to an open position?   closed position?

Open position means the competition is open to the public; anyone eligible to work in Canada may apply.

Closed position means the competition is closed to the public - only current regular, term, technical or departmental employees may apply.

Q:  How do I know if a job listing is for a closed or open position? 

The Job Opportunity Notice/ Posting will indicate if the position is closed or internal for current regular, term, technical or departmental employees only.

Q:  Who can apply to a job listing for a closed position?

Only current regular, term, technical or departmental employees of the Manitoba Civil Service may apply for a closed or internal competition.

Q:  What happens to my application after I send it in to a job listing?

The Human Resource branch or selection screening committee, reviews applications against established screening criteria and contacts those meeting required levels to advance for further consideration.

Q:  How can I file an appeal if I feel that I have been treated unfairly in a competition?

Only employees may file an appeal through their Union after a selection grievance has been completed. Complaints may be made to the Ombudsman (204-983-9130) or through the Secretary, Civil Service Commission Board (204-945-1435). However, one should first check with the Human Resource Consultant responsible for chairing selection procedures for the specific information concerning your application for a competition.

Q:  Where do I find job postings in other jurisdictions such as in the City of Winnipeg, in other Provinces/ Territories or in the Government of Canada?

Access 1-2-3 phone (204) 984-4636 for lists of current openings for the Province of Manitoba, the City of Winnipeg, and the Government of Canada

For other Provinces or Territories, use our link here.

Q:  Is there a summer job program for students and how do I apply?

The Department of Education and Youth has a summer job program called STEP Services  or phone them at (204) 945-3556 or Manitoba Toll Free   1-800-282-8069 (extension 3556)

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Contact Information

Q:  Where can I find a contact number for various Human Resource Sectors of the Manitoba Government?

Go to the Civil Service Commission Human Resource Departments List

Or At Your Service Manitoba ask for the phone number of the Human Resource Branch of the Department of interest.

Q:  Where can I get a copy of the Labour Code and where can I get information about Labour Legislation?

Go to the Department of Labour web site.

Q:  Who do I contact for career counseling?

The Department of Education and Youth provides employment counseling through their Local Employment Centres. Click here to see where these centres are located.

Q:  How do I contact the Employee Assistance Program?

For current employees contact EAP at (204) 945- 5786

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Human Resources

Q:  Where would I find information about employee benefits?

Go to the Web site - Government Employee Benefits.

Q:  Where do I find pay rates for job classifications for government employees?

Go to the Web site - Government Employee Collective Agreements.

Q:  Where can I find links to provincial and territorial Web sites?

For other Provinces or Territories, use our link here to see Employment Opportunities, Public Service Sites, and Training and Development Branches.

Q:  Do you have any entry level training programs and how do I apply?

A number of programs may occur throughout the year. They would be listed in government employment opportunities on ACCESS 1-2-3 (204) 984-4636 or go to employment opportunities listed on the Government of Manitoba web site.  Apply directly to competitions listed in employment opportunity.

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Employment Equity

Q:  Where can I get information about Employment Equity?

There are several ways. First go to the Civil Service Commission Internet web site:

  • click on Employment , then on Employment Equity; for policy
  • click on Publications, then Policy Manual; several policies relate to Employment Equity
  • click on Publications, then Valuing Diversity - An Equity Approach; for practices.

You can also use this link to see Special Programs Guidelines from the Human Rights Commission web site.

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Course Information

Q:  How can I find information on upcoming courses offered to government employees?

Go to the Organization & Staff Development web site to see the latest course offerings.

Q:  How do I enroll in a course offered by Organization and Staff Development?

Go to to the Organization and Staff Development web site and click on Registration to download the appropriate form.

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