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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Mentor Information

Mentoring opportunities are available in the following programs:

Aboriginal Management Development Program (AMDP)
Aboriginal Public Administration program (APAP)
Career Gateway Program for Members of Visible Minorities (CGP)
Management Internship Program (MIP)

Mentoring involves a professional one-to-one relationship between individuals of different levels of experience and expertise in an organization.

Mentoring means undertaking to help a less experienced person acquire the breadth of perspective, networking skills and goal setting capabilities required to succeed in an organization.

Mentors make themselves available to meet on a regular basis with their intern.

Mentors work to create a rapport that encourages interns to bring problems and challenges forward for discussion.

Mentors may suggest joint activities, such as structured discussions.

Mentors provide for networking and other opportunities for support on specific issues or concerns.


Interns should know what they want from a mentoring relationship.

Interns should think about the skills they want to develop and the organizational knowledge they would like to gain.

Interns should be prepared to reciprocate the trust, respect and feedback they receive from mentors.

Interns should be willing to have time and accessibility to commit to the mentoring relationship.

While each program has its own unique characteristics, the role of a mentor remains the same. Individuals volunteer as mentors because as managers, they are committed to improving service delivery. They want to ensure that interns have the opportunity to learn about the corporate culture. In order to achieve these goals, mentors will contribute in the following ways:

  • Provide a corporate view of service issues and accountability for key aspects of their department's strategic priorities.
  • Have a variety of contacts and relationships which will enhance the experience of the interns, and be willing to share.
  • Be skilled at building relationships and willing to help interns develop better relationship skills building.
  • Able to model, transmit corporate values, and to "decode" corporate culture.
  • A willingness to share personal experiences if it will assist the interns in developing their leadership abilities and competencies
  • Have time and accessibility to commit to the mentoring relationship
  • Be at a senior level within the Civil Service