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Sustainable Development Partnerships
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Featured Results

Measuring and Reporting on the Impact of Partnerships and Initiatives

Since the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, the international community's focus has shifted from "words are good, actions are better," to "actions are better, and results matter." The challenge for governments and all stakeholders is to measure and report on the results of our sustainable development partnerships and initiatives. It's an exciting and important change, one which can have a tremendous impact on lives around the world.

Through the addition of "Featured Results" on selected fact sheets, the U.S. Government is strengthening its commitment to report regularly on the results of the partnerships and initiatives in which we participate. By sharing results, we are seeking to create a transparent and positive feedback loop that enables others to scale up and replicate those efforts that work.

Selected Results:

 Global Village Energy Partnership

Through USG support for the Global Village Energy Partnership and other programs from 2002-2005, 19.1 million people have received increased access to modern energy services.

Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

With the assistance of the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles and the World Bank, all 49 Sub-Saharan African countries stopped refining and importing leaded gasoline by the end of 2005, positively affecting 733 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Partnership for Clean Indoor Air

Since 2003, partner organizations have succeeded in influencing 1.31 million households to adopt clean and efficient cooking and/or heating practices; resulting in 11 million people with reduced exposure to harmful indoor air pollution.

Methane to Markets Partnership

The United States is working with Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) in Mexico to launch two pilot projects that have the potential to reduce methane emissions by approximately 120,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2E) per year.

Green Power Partnership


Through the Green Power Partnership (GPP), more than 8.2 billion kilowatt hours of green power are being purchased by companies, colleges, municipalities, and other organizations annually. This is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power more than 670,000 average American homes per year or needed to reduce the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions of more than 1.1 million passenger cars on U.S. roads.

North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Partnership


Through the work of the partners, teaching modules for grades 3-6 on the importance of pollinators to our natural world and our food security have been created and are available online. Over 200,000 people visited the U. S. Botanic Garden/NAPPC exhibit in Washington, DC and learned of the work of pollinators in our environment, gardens and farms. A resource book on pollinators for policy makers was created and disseminated internationally in support of the International Pollinator Initiative of the Convention on Biological Diversity and The Food and Agriculture Organization.

Entra 21

The employment rate for Entra 21 graduates is 48%, 8% higher than the target of 40%. Over 80% of employers said the Entra 21 interns did satisfactory work and rated the youth they hired as doing very well in both soft and technical skill areas.

Global Initiative on Children's Environmental Health Indicators

As a result of the 2002-2006 efforts of the Global Initiative on Children's Environmental Health Indicators, the development and reporting of children's environmental health indicators has expanded worldwide from three countries in one region to more than 20 countries in five regions. In addition, five major international organizations are now collecting data on children's environmental health indicators.

The Institute @... 

Since its launch in 2003 at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, the Institute@ ... has provided 206 capacity building training courses to over 3,000 participants at 14 international conferences . The Institute@ ... model has subsequently been replicated by 9 international bodies, including 6 UN organizations helping to usher in a new way of doing business; delivering results at international conferences.


Due to NetMark's efforts, over 19 million people in Africa now sleep under insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and are protected from malaria.

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