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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Manitoba Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is the independent and impartial body established by The Civil Service Act to oversee all hiring in government. We are responsible for leading activities related to human resource management with the exception of activities related to labour relations and compensation which are the responsibility of Treasury Board Secretariat under the Department of Finance.


Our vision is to promote a highly effective, professionally competent, respectful, responsive and relevant civil service that reflects the diversity of the Province and thereby contributes to the quality of life in Manitoba.

In pursuit of this ultimate outcome, we fulfill six roles.

  1. The effective application of The Civil Service Act and Regulations, including leadership to the human resource community who are essential to that effectiveness.

  2. The fair and equitable redress of matters appealable under the Act.

  3. The selection and development of a meritorious, skilled, trained and representative civil service.

  4. The development of a sustainable workforce where people have the competence required to advance from the level of initial appointment through a reasonable career.

  5. The provision of timely and appropriate advice to the Minister Responsible for The Civil Service Act, the Clerk of the Executive Council and others on issues concerning personnel administration in all its dimensions.

  6. The counselling and development support required to effect an able and trained workforce.

We strive to meet all expectations and satisfy our statutory responsibilities. The Civil Service Act provides the legal framework for administering human resource matters within the government service. That administration is achieved through the combination of a Board, a department reporting through a deputy head to the Minister Responsible for The Civil Service Act, and any authority that is delegated from and audited by the Commission.

We delegate staffing authority to government departments. Six human resource groups (HR Sectors) provide staffing and labour relations services to groups of departments. The sectors are responsible for ensuring that the hiring of new employees and the relationship of departments with existing employees are in accordance with relevant provisions of The Civil Service Act and regulations and collective agreements.

The HR Sectors are administratively responsible to the departments they serve and are accountable under The Civil Service Act to the Civil Service Commission Board. The Commission Board, through the staff of the Civil Service Commission, audits the activities of the HR Sectors on a periodic basis to ensure that they are carrying out their delegated authority in accordance with the Act.

We fulfill our required roles through the activities of the following program areas:


How you can reach us...

General Inquiries

Address: 935 - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8

Phone: (204) 945-2332
Manitoba Toll-Free: 1- 800-282-8069 ext. 2332
Fax: (204) 945-1486

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