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STS-119 formal crew portrait

The STS-119 crew members pose for a formal portrait. Shown are Lee Archambault (front row right), Tony Antonelli, Joseph Acaba (back row left), John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Koichi Wakata. Image credit: NASA

The seven astronauts of STS-119 will fly space shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station to deliver and install the S6 truss segments and the final set of solar arrays providing additional electrical power to the station.

NASA astronaut Lee Archambault will command the seven-member crew and Tony Antonelli will serve as the pilot. Mission specialists for the flight will be Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata.

Wakata will replace Expedition 18 Flight Engineer Sandra Magnus, who will return to Earth with the STS-119 crew. Wakata will serve as a flight engineer for Expeditions 18 and 19, and return to Earth with the STS-127 crew.

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