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Land Value Appraisal Commission

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The Land Value Appraisal Commission is an independent tribunal, which determines the due compensation payable for government land purchases and expropriations.  Its operation is governed by The Land Acquisition Act, with respect to government purchases, and by The Expropriation Act, with respect to expropriations.

The Commission’s expropriation compensation decisions are binding on both the expropriating authority and landowner(s).  Decisions on matters of fact and law are appealable to the Court of Appeal.  The Commission’s Land Acquisition Act decisions are binding on the acquiring authority, but not on the landowner(s).


The Commission holds Public Hearings in connection with land being acquired by Crown Lands & Property Agency (formerly Land Management Services) for the Department of Infrastructure and Transportation, Manitoba Public Insuance Corporation, Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine.  The Director of Crown Lands & Property Agency is empowered to accept agreements on which settlements of less than $5,000.00 are reached with owners.  The Commission, in an administrative rather than adjudicatory role, reviews land transfer agreements, referred by Crown Lands & Property Agency.

Board Members

  • Cam Harvey - Chair
  • Diana Hobman
  • Ron Lecuyer
  • Pierre Marcon
  • Roger Robideau
  • George Sawatsky

All enquiries and correspondence related to the board should be directed to:

The Land Value Appraisal Commission

1144 - 363 Broadway
Winnipeg MB R3C 3N9
Phone: (204) 945-5455
Fax: (204) 948-2235